ExpertICTize Becoming Experts of Digital Technology in Secondary Education Erasmus+ KA2 (Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices) Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only Exchanges of Practices
Cooperation between 5 European schools: Coordinator: HUNGARY (Neumann Secondary School, Eger) Partners: THE NETHERLANDS (Almende College, Silvolde, Isala) FRANCE (Lycée des Métiers Jules Le Cesne) GREECE (8th High School of Trikala, Trikala) TURKEY (Prof. Dr. Orhan Oguz Anatolian High School, Eskisehir)
Eger, Hungary
Eskisehir, Turkey
Isala, Silvolde, The Netherlands
Le Havre, France
Trikala, Greece
Project period: Meetings: 24 months from 1 September 2016 to 31 August 2018 Meetings: 3 Transnational Project Meetings (teachers only) (The Netherlands, Hungary, Turkey) 2 Short Exchanges of Pupils (France, Greece)
Tasks for preparatory period: (September-October 2016) creating core teams within schools revisiting project proposal (all core team members) allocation of tasks and responsibilities registering project on eTwinning (TwinSpace) logo design competition (students in each participating schools)
1st Transnational Project Meeting: Almende College, Isala, Silvolde The Netherlands December, 2016 Hungary: 3 teachers Greece: 3 teachers Turkey: 3 teachers France: 3 teachers (Only 575 € /participant for travel, accommodation, meals! Except Turkey: 760 € /participant because of larger distance)
Tasks for the Dutch meeting: teachers visit lessons and attend presentations about use of ICT/digital methodology Setting up project website Preparing Google Project Calendar Open International Workshop for teachers from participating schools in local area (presentation of good practices)
Collaborative period between meetings: January-February 2017 learning to use apps for teaching geography, culture, history (Fotopedia Heritage, GeoTrainer, Stuck on Earth, Free City Maps and Walks, iLearn Geography, World Customs and Cultures) preparing content for students’ meeting to teach geography, culture, history DISSEMINATION!!! (local/regional/national media, open days, parents’ evening, educational fairs)
1st Short Exchange of Students: Lycée des Métiers Jules Le Cesne Le Havre, France February 2017 Turkey: 5 students, 2 teachers Hungary: 5 students, 2 teachers Greece: 10 students, 2 teachers The Netherlands: 5 students, 2 teachers (275 € /participant for Hungary, The Netherlands, 360 € /participant for Greece and Turkey because of larger distance)
Tasks for the French meeting: Students work in small international groups to teach important aspects about their countries and culture (using the apps) International students’ competitions Teachers’ meeting: monitoring (tasks and activities, responsibilities, budget and time schedule) DISSEMINATION!!! (local/regional/national media, open days, parents’ evening, educational fairs)
Collaborative period between meetings: March-April 2017 Preparing video lessons and manuals and uploading them to project website DISSEMINATION!!! (local/regional/national media, open days, parents’ evening, educational fairs)
2nd Transnational Project Meeting Neumann Secondary School, Eger, Hungary May, 2017 Turkey: 3 teachers The Netherlands: 3 teachers Greece: 3 teachers France: 3 teachers (Only 575 € /participants for travels, accomm., meals)
Tasks for the Hungarian meeting: teachers visit lessons and attend presentations about use of ICT/digital methodology monitoring tasks and responsibilities evaluation of meetings preparing INTERIM REPORT!!! open International Workshop for teachers from participating schools in local area (presentation of good practices) DISSEMINATION!!! (local/regional/national media, open days, parents’ evening, educational fairs)
Collaborative period between meetings: September-October 2017 learning to use apps for teaching foreign languages (Language Master, Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, Busuu, Memrise, Kahoot, Socrative) preparing content for students’ meeting to teach their own language to others DISSEMINATION!!! (local/regional/national media, open days, parents’ evening, educational fairs)
2nd Short Exchange of Students: 8th High School, Trikala, Greece November 2017 Turkey: 5 students, 2 teachers Hungary: 5 students, 2 teachers France: 8 students, 2 teachers The Netherlands: 5 students, 2 teachers (275 €/participant for Hungary, The Netherlands, Turkey 360 € /participant for France because of larger distance)
Tasks for the Greek meeting Students work in small international groups to teach their mother tongue to other student participants (using the apps) Interactive science workshop Visiting e-Trikala, the first digital city in Greece Teachers’ meeting: monitoring (tasks and activities, responsibilities, budget and time schedule) DISSEMINATION!!! (local/regional/national media, open days, parents’ evening, educational fairs)
Collaborative period between meetings: December 2017-February 2018 Preparing video lessons and manuals and uploading them to project website DISSEMINATION!!! (local/regional/national media, open days, parents’ evening, educational fairs)
3rd Transnational Project Meeting Prof. Dr 3rd Transnational Project Meeting Prof. Dr. Orhan Oguz Anadolu Lisesi, Eskisehir, Turkey March, 2018 Hungary: 3 teachers France: 3 teachers Greece: 3 teachers The Netherlands: 3 teachers (Only 575 € /participant for travel, accommodation, meals for Greece and Hungary 760 € /participant for the Netherlands and France because of larger distance)
Tasks for the Turkish meeting: teachers visit lessons and attend presentations about use of ICT/digital methodology final testing and evaluation of good practice videos final evaluation of project preparing FINAL REPORT!!! open International Workshop for teachers from participating schools in local area (presentation of good practices) DISSEMINATION!!! (local/regional/national media, open days, parents’ evening, educational fairs)
Closing Phase of ExpertICTize May 2018-August 2018 preparing good practices DVD and manual uploading all remaining material onto project website uploading videos to YouTube finalising documentation on eTwinning/TwinSpace ↓ So basically to finish it all…
Post-project phase: September 2018- The project is to be continued without any further grant… by: Project website is enriched with good practices Promotion of project results through dissemination channels Planning further collaboration between partner schools