IETF80, Prague Diameter Maintenance and Extensions (DIME) WG Diameter General Purpose Session draft-liebsch-dime-diameter-gps-01.txt M. Liebsch, G. Punz IETF80, Prague Diameter Maintenance and Extensions (DIME) WG 01st April 2011
History Initial version presented at IETF78 in Maastricht Updated version presented at IETF79 in Beijing First revision addresses comments and adds more details as well as clarifications GP Session concept Context Grouping Analysis Approaches
Idea behind the GP Session (2/2) Diameter Hdr Session-ID AVPs GP Session-ID Users AVPs apply to single user AVPs apply to group of users - Group-ID - List of individual Session-IDs - Grouped AVP Multi-user context / Bulk signaling Maintain standard format, but adopt new interpretation Single-user context (RFC3588)
Coding options for bulk signaling (in the order of efficiency) Group-ID identifies multiple users, list of attributes/values applies to all users of the group List of Session-IDs identifies a group of users, list of attributes/values applies to all users of the group List of Session-IDs identifies multiple users, each Session-ID has an individual list of AVPs associated Diameter Hdr GP Session-ID AVP 1 Group-ID AVP 2 AVP N Session-ID 1 Session-ID K AVP 1.1 AVP K.1 AVP 1.2 AVP 1.N AVP K.2 AVP K.N
Valuable & Positive Feedback More use cases and enlarged scope GP Session has value, but represents a new application Platform for specification: DIME or alternative group Good idea, but overloading only 3GPP habit New messages as alternative GP Session has clear rules, but other SDOs (TISPAN) just ignore the Session ID Enlarge the scope of the idea to address also signaling without Session ID Focus on grouping for bulk signaling
What‘s Next? Proposal to split the current draft (1) Diameter GPS Target 2 separate documents Approach meets all comments (1) Diameter GPS Focus on the use of a shared Session ID Extension to Diameter base or New Application May come with other functions Query, State Restoration, ... (2) Coding Options for bulk signaling Enables use with other Diameter signaling No limitation to Session ID based messages
What‘s Next? Interest in working on this? Thanks for all comments !
Idea behind the GP Session (1/2) Eshablish a dedicated session (and Session-ID) to signal multi-user context (bulk signaling) GP Session Clarification: GP Session-ID does not identify a group of users! GP Session-ID.. .. allows the re-use of available commands (e.g. STR), which mandate a single Session-ID AVP, to signal attribues/values applying to multiple users RFC3588: Single Session-ID AVP at fixed location (after Diameter header) identifies the user where subsequent attribute/values apply to .. indicates that attributes/values apply to a group of users or all users! .. avoids specification of new command codes and formats for bulk signaling
Again: Use cases Bulk signaling, e.g. Bulk Session Termination using STR Bulk policy enforcement Recovery from total/partial Diameter node failure client server Resp (multiple users, context1, context2,... contextN) PCEF Req(multiple users, context1, context2, ...contextN) Policy Enforcement data traffic Server states restoration Group policy enforcement Req(multiple users [failed_server_id])
Stepwise realization of the extended session concept Specify GP Session extension Deployment-specific guidelines for bulk signaling Bulk-signaling operation and extensions specified in Applications Deployment by using RFC4006+ and RFC4005+ Deployment-specific guidelines and specification (e.g. By 3GPP) Credit Control RFC4006 NASREQ RFC4005 Credit Control RFC4006+ Bulk Ext. Bulk Ext. NASREQ RFC4005+ GPS GPS Diameter Base RFC3588 Diameter Base RFC3588