Paratriathlon Duathlon Briefing Sunday, August 20, 2017
Briefing agenda Welcome and Introductions Competition Jury Schedules and Timetables Check-in and Procedures The course Post-Race Procedures Weather forecast
Welcome and Introductions Loreen Barnett (CAN), ITU 1st Vice President Eric Angstadt Torres (ESP), ITU Team Leader Dr. Doug Hiller (USA), ITU Medical Delegate Thanos Nikopoulos (GRE), ITU Multisport TD David Markham (CAN), ITU Duathlon TD Ross Capill (NZL), ITU Race Referee Ulf Schuetze (CAN), ITU Race Referee Michael Brown, LOC ExecutIve Director Susie Ernsting, LOC Race Director {comment – to be deleted: Insert the names of the officials that are attending the briefing and delete the rest}
Competition Jury David Markham, Chair Loreen Barnett, ITU Paul Huyer, Host NF {comment – to be deleted: Insert the names of the Competition Jury Members, add two more member for World Championship}
Schedule and Timelines Monday, August 21 / AG Standard Duathlon WCs & Paratriathlon Duathlon WCs 5:00 Transition Open 7:00 Transition Closed 6:45 Paratriathletes 7:00 AG Men 18-29 Start 7:03 AG Women 18-39 Start 7:06 AG Women 40+ 7:30 AG Men 30-44 7:33 AG Men 45-59 7:36 AG Men 60+
Cut off times BIKE – 11:00 RUN – 12:30
Bike Check-in Procedures Will be done race morning in transition. Bike check – legal bars, frame, wheels, bike numbers Helmet check – snug strap, no cracks, numbers attached To add any unusual equipment to the bike, you must obtain approval from the Race Referee. Leave your gear less than .5m from your rack number. No loose gear will be allowed on the ground next to the bikes. Label your gear. Full bike covers are not allowed. Bring nutrition items you plan to carry on race morning.
Check-in procedures Entering the Venue/Transition on Race Morning Only registered athletes with an appropriately colored wristband may enter. Body Marking Check – Tattoos are provided in race kits and must be on prior to entering on race morning. Timing Chip – pick up your chip as you enter transition and put it on immediately. Bicycles may not be removed until the bike portion. Bike technicians are on site. Athletes are not to bring pumps. Gear not required to race must be left in the Morning Clothes Tent at Gyro Park. All “Marks” will be removed by Technical Officials
The Venue Okanagan Lake Park – Bike Check, Transition Start Line Start Marshalling Area Gyro Park – Post Race Area, Awards, Celebrations
Pre-start Procedure Athlete line-up: 3 waiting areas on Veterans Way located across the street from transition: Pre-start 1 -> Pre start 2 -> next to start line Know your start time and be on time Toilets at the Transition. A start audit timing mat will officially register you into the race results system. Move to start line. Select a position and stay behind the pre-start line!
Start Procedure Athletes in position: ”On your mark”. Move forward to the start line. There will be a horn blast once everyone is standing still behind the start line. The race starts
False Start Procedures Several horn blasts Everyone goes back to her/his spot
The Para Duathlon Course Run 1 2 Laps of 2.5km = 5km Bike 1 Lap of 20km = 20km Run 2 1 Lap of 2.5km = 2.5km Remember 2 – 1 - 1
Para Duathlon Run 1 2 Laps 5km Total Distance Start on road near transition. Flat. On pavement. Wear Bib Number on Front Aid stations: 2 per lap – same station / both sides For location see the map Water, F2C Lemon Lime HydraDurance. Discard all garbage off course in discard zones
Run Start Marshalling on Veterans Way Run 1 Course Map Run Start Marshalling on Veterans Way Run 1 – 5km – 2 laps
Transition Flow
Transition Area Traditional Bike Racks – numbered All equipment within your space Mount line on the road
Bike Course 1 Lap = 20kms Draft Illegal – wear bib number on the back Timing audit point at turn arounds Dismount line on the road before transition
Bike Course Map 1 Lap Lap 1 turn left After 2nd Lap turn right
Draft Zones Legal distance: 10m between bikes (from your front wheel to their front wheel)
Draft zones
Advice of Penalties How do you know if you need to serve a penalty? The official will do the following – Sound a whistle or horn Show a YELLOW OR BLUE CARD Call your number Advise you of the PENALTY If you are shown a RED CARD, you may be disqualified
If told to Report to a Penalty Box Stop in the next Penalty Box 1 minute for sprint distance It is the athletes responsibility to stop in the Penalty Box. Failing to do this will result in disqualification. A second drafting offence will lead to a disqualification You may also receive a Stop and Go penalty anywhere on the course.
Transition Flow
Run 2 1 Laps = 2.5 km Same Course as Run 1 Aid stations: One station – can access 2x For location see the map Water, F2C Lemon Lime HydraDurance. Discard all garbage off course in discard zones Avoid congestion in finish area: Go to recovery area
Run 2 Course Map Run 2 – 2.5km – 1 lap
VI Free Lead Zones VI Free VI Free VI Free Run 2 – 2.5km – 1 lap
Other Information All Paratriathetes will start together Compensation times will be added onto final times. PTVI B1 Must wear black out glasses throughout the race.
Doping Control Have ID on site in case of Doping Control Testing
Another Important Event! Just so you’re not kept in the dark – Monday, Aug 21, 2017 88% Eclipse of the Sun. Darkest at 10:21am
Weather forecast Check smoke updates at
Good Luck!