Mobility for IPv6 (MIP6) IETF66 Thursday, July 13th, 06 Presiding chairs: Hesham Soliman ( Vijay Devarapalli (
Agenda (1 of 2) Agenda review, Blue sheets and volunteers for taking notes and Jabber scribe 5 Mins WG status and I-Ds update 5 Mins Charter Discussion AD/Chairs 20 Mins AAA goals status update Gerardo Giaretta 5 Mins I-D: draft-ietf-mip6-aaa-ha-goals-02 MIP6 support for DS hosts/routers Hesham S. 15 Mins I-D: draft-ietf-mip6-nemo-v4traversal-01 Mobility management for DS nodes: A problem statement Hesham Soliman 5 Mins I-D: draft-ietf-mip6-dsmip-problem-02 HA Reliability Ryuji Wakikawa 15 Mins I-D: draft-ietf-mip6-hareliability-00 July 13, 06 MIP6 @ IETF66
Agenda (2 of 2) Vendor specific and experimental message types Vijay Devarapalli 15 Mins I-Ds: draft-devarapalli-mip6-vsm-00 Draft-devarapalli-mip6-experimental-messages-00 Bootstrapping for the authentication protocol (RFC4285) Vijay Devarapalli 10 Mins I-D: draft-devarapalli-mip6-authprotocol-bootstrap-00 DHCP option for Home information discovery Heejin Jang 10 Mins I-D: draft-jang-mip6-hiopt-00 Scenario analysis and problem statement of the DS MS romaing in IPv4 and IPv6 networks Tom Wan 10 Mins I-D: draft-wan-mip6-nemo-dsanalysis-00 Summary and Next steps Chairs July 13, 06 MIP6 @ IETF66
WG Status and Doc update WG charter is being revised in order to align the milestones with the ongoing work Charter discussion to follow July 13, 06 MIP6 @ IETF66
WG Docs update (1 of 2) In RFC Ed. Que: RFCs published: Mobile IPv6 and Firewalls: Problem Statement (RFC 4487) Securing Mobile IPv6 Route Optimization Using a Static Shared Key (RFC 4449) Mobile IPv6 Management Information Base (RFC 4295) In RFC Ed. Que: Problem Statement for bootstrapping Mobile IPv6 (draft-ietf-mip6-bootstrap-ps-05) Extension to Sockets API for Mobile IPv6 (draft-ietf-mip6-mipext-advapi-07) July 13, 06 MIP6 @ IETF66
WG Docs update (2 of 2) I-Ds that have completed WG LC: draft-ietf-mip6-location-privacy-ps-02 draft-ietf-mip6-bootstrapping-split-02 In AD evaluation: MIP6 Operation with IKEv2 and the revised IPsec Architecture (draft-ietf-mip6-ikev2-ipsec-06) Using IPsec between Mobile and Correspondent IPv6 Nodes (draft-ietf-mip6-cn-ipsec-02) July 13, 06 MIP6 @ IETF66
Charter Discusion July 13, 06 MIP6 @ IETF66
Next Steps July 13, 06 MIP6 @ IETF66
Next steps Revised charter to be accepted with appropriate changes Progress the split and integrated bootstrap I-Ds Progress the Location privacy PS to Informational RFC HA reliability DT to complete the protocol spec and transition it to WG Consider new WG docs based on revised charter July 13, 06 MIP6 @ IETF66