What’s happening? The spirit of nationalism USA connecting together Via transportation, communication, trading, etc….. Beat GB twice!!! Murica #1
Changes in Foreign Policy Adams-Onis Treaty Monroe Doctrine Rush-Bagot Treaty 1817 Demilitarization of the Great Lakes Created longest unfortified border in the world b/w USA & British North America Richard Rush (US) Charles Bagot (Br)
Workers begin to Organize New kind of labor: factory worker Poor wages Poor working conditions & child labor To improve working conditions some join labor unions An organized association of workers formed to protect and their rights and interests Exp: NFL, NBA, NHL Want higher wages, 10 hr work days If didn’t workers didn’t get their way…….strike Refuse to work
King Cotton & Slavery Increase demand & new inventions encouraged many southern to grow cotton Get rich quick Cotton farming = need slaves More slaves= more cotton More cotton= more $
How did slaves cope with slavery? Developed their own culture Songs Religion ( always prayed for freedom/better life in the next world
Fredrick Douglas Well- known leader for the anti-slavery movement
Rebellions/Resistance Stage work downs Break tools Set fire to barns Runaway Used the task system Given a specific # of jobs to accomplish Plot uprisings
Gabriel Prosser A literate blacksmith slave Attempted a mass revolt against slavery on Aug 30 1800 around Richmond Va Later captured and hanged with 25 others Richmond passed laws to limit free blacks
Denmark Vesey 1822 Former slave in SC (purchased freedom) Wanted to horde bunch of weapons and hold an uprising in Charleston SC Unfortunately his secret revolt was found out Never happened Was hanged
Nat Turner Very religious Led attack in VA 1831 has a vision…Believed God chose him killed b/w 55 to 65 people the highest number of fatalities caused by any slave uprising in the American South. Eventually tried in court and hanged
The Division Begins
UH-OH Spaghetti Os 1819 Missouri wants to be a SLAVE state Problem: should slavery expand west? Right now 11 free state 11 slave states Granting 1 more give someone more power (n/s) Maine requests to be FREE state
1820 Solution: Missouri Compromise (created by Henry Clay) Admitted Maine as a free state, Missouri as slave state and prohibited slavery north of 36*30’N latitude