N. Fanjeau, Airbus Defence & Space June 11, 2014 HMA-S Specifications OGC 13-039 OpenSearch Extension for Earth Observation Satellite Tasking Implementation N. Fanjeau, Airbus Defence & Space June 11, 2014 OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Overview OpenSearch Methodology Description Document Search Document Parameters in a Search operation request Search operation request URL parameters Best Practice Demonstrator ETS Resources OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
OpenSearch Specify how to query a web resource & additional metadata Description documents Contain parameterized URL templates that indicate how the search client should make search requests Search clients to learn about the public interface of a search engine OpenSearch provides a way to define where that search term goes. http://www.example.com?q={searchTerms} Description element provides some basic metadata about Contents of the service Contact information pertaining to it Set of URL Templates which illustrate the parameters accepted by the service and the variety of output formats Request interface Simple, Consisting of a description of a HTTP GET request Series of optional key-value parameters that can be used to constrain the search. OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Methodology OGC 13-039: OGC OpenSearch Extension for Earth Observation Satellite Tasking Implementation Best Practice OGC 13‑026: OGC OpenSearch Extension for Earth Observation OGC 10‑135: OGC Sensor Planning Service Interface Standard 2.0 Earth Observation Satellite Tasking Extension 13-026 10-135 13-039 OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
OpenSearch Description The OpenSearch description document for the satellite Tasking is an aggregation of the information available via the GetCapabilities, the DescribeTasking, the DescribeSensor operations of the EO-SPS standard. SPS GetCapabilities SPS DescribeTasking SPS DescribeSensor OpenSearch Description OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
OpenSearch Search SPS GetFeasibility SPS GetTask OpenSearch Search The OpenSearch search operation is mapped to the GetFeasibility operation, the response of the search operation provide for each of the results a summary and the link to their dedicated EO-SPS GetTask operation. OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Parameters in a Search operation request Name Definition Data type and value Multiplicity and use Equivalent in EOSPS (OGC 10-135) Names equivalent in EOP (OGC 13- 026) Platform A string identifying the platform (e.g. ENVISAT, SPOT). Character String One or more (optional) N/A eo:platform SensorType A string identifying the sensor type. Code List OPT SAR eo:sensorType Instrument A string identifying the instrument (e.g. MERIS, AATSR, ASAR, HRVIR). Swes:procedure eo:instrument CoverageType Specifies if the imagery should be acquired in one or multiple passes. SINGLE_SWATH, MONOPASS, MULTIPASS One (optional) (Mono- Stereo)acquisitio n / CoverageType OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Search operation request URL parameters Name and example Optionality and use platform ={eo: platform } One or more (optional) sensorType={eo:sensorType} instrument={eo:instrument} CovType ={eosp:CoverageType} One (optional) OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Elements of Search operation response in each search result in atom format Term OGC returnable Atom Element Description Multiplicity Title dc:title atom:entry/ atom:title A title given to the resource. 1 mandatory Subject dc:subject atom:entry/ atom:category A topic of the content of the resource (a topic category or other taxonomy can be applied) n optional Date eop:EarthObservatio n /om:phenomenonTim e/gml:TimePeriod atom:entry/ dc:date A date or range of dates relevant to the resource (ISO-8601). Envelope eop:EarthObservatio n /om:featureOfInteres t /eop:Footprint atom:entry/ georss:* The spatial extent or scope of the content of the resource defined with an GEORSS element Relation dc:relation atom:entry/ atom:link[@atom:rel=’s earch’] Reference to the OpenSearch description document when the resource is search service atom:entry/ atom:link[@rel=’enclos ure’] Reference to the location of the data resource described in the entry GetFeasibilityRes ponse eosps:GetFeasibilityR esponse atom:entry/ eosps: GetFeasibilityResponse EO-SPS metadata OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Description Document <Url rel="search“ template=" q={searchterms}&platform={eo:platform?}&compositeType={eo:compositeType?}&maxAmbiguityLevel={eosp:validationParametersSARMaxAmbiguityLevel?}&cloudCover={eo:cloudCover?}&incEl={eosp:acquisitionAngleIncidenceElevation?}&sensorMode={eo:sensorMode?}&hazeAccepted={eosp:validationParametersOPTHazeAcepted?}&snowCover={eo:snowCover?}&pointAl={eosp:acquisitionAnglePointingRangeAlongTrack?}&instrument={eo:instrument?}&resolution={eo:resolution?}&maxSunGlint={eosp:validationParametersOPTmaxSunGlint?}&minLum={eosp:acquisitionParametersOPTMinimumLuminosity?}&sandWindAccepted={eosp:validationParametersOPTSandWindAccepted?}&start={time:start?}&sensorType={eo:sensorType?}&coverage={eosp:coverageType?}&maxNoiseLevel={eosp:validationParametersSARMaximumNoiseLevel?}&pointAc={eosp:acquisitionAnglePointingRangeAcrossTrack?}&box={geo:box?}&polMode={eosp:acquisitionParametersSARPolarizationMode?}&incAz={eosp:acquisitionAngleIncidenceAzimuth?}&end={time:end?}" type="application/atom+xml"> OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Description Document <param:Parameter name="platform" title="Platform" value="eo:platform"> <param:option label="Sentinel1" value="Sentinel1"/> </param:Parameter> <param:Parameter name="compositeType" title="Composite type" value="eo:compositeType"> <param:option label="" value="false"/> <param:option label="" value="true"/> </param:Parameter> <param:Parameter maxInclusive="100" minInclusive="0“ name="minLum“ title="Minimum Luminosity of an optical product" value="eosp:acquisitionParametersOPTMinimumLuminosity"/> OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Search <ns:segment> <ns:Segment ns2:id="2"> <ns:footprint> <ns2:Polygon> <ns2:exterior> <ns:AbstractRing xmlns:ns=http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2 xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance xsi:type="ns:LinearRingType"> <ns:coordinates ts=" " cs=","decimal=".">70.08587928245636,90.97328220388947 70.0059197770449,90.00038000917866 85.90589488341355,-0.01179907456061203 86.24347836543997,-0.8291880823604326 70.08587928245636,90.97328220388947 </ns:coordinates> </ns:AbstractRing> </ns2:exterior> </ns2:Polygon> </ns:footprint> OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Search <ns:acquisitionStartTime>2002-03-01T11:17:57.910Z</ns:acquisitionStartTime> <ns:acquisitionStopTime>2002-03-01T11:23:35.553Z</ns:acquisitionStopTime> <ns:acquisitionMethod> <eop:EarthObservationEquipment xmlns:eop="http://earth.esa.int/eop"> <ns2:description xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance xsi:nil="true"/> <ns2:identifier>SSO - S1SAR</ns2:identifier> <eop:platform><eop:Platform> <eop:shortName xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance xsi:nil="true"/> <eop:serialIdentifier>SSO</eop:serialIdentifier> ….......... </eop:EarthObservationEquipment> </ns:acquisitionMethod> </ns:Segment> </ns:segment> OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Best Practice OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Demonstrator Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium
Resources Google Code: opensearch-sensor-feasibility-system https://code.google.com/p/opensearch-sensor-feasibility-system/ opensearch-earth-observation-products-system https://code.google.com/p/opensearch-earth-observation-products-system/ OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP