2016/17 Cost of Attendance for Undergraduate Students continuing studies who enrolled in 2015 © LIPA 2016
2016/17 Cost of Attendance for Undergraduate Degree Programmes The Maximum Cost of Attendance (COA) for Students who enrolled in September 2015 Studying an Undergraduate Degree Programme in 2016/17 is $37,500. This is the highest loan limit amount that we are authorised to certify for the 2016/17 academic year under US Government Regulations. Students and parents are encouraged to carry out individual budgeting analysis to assess their personal loan needs – you may find you would like to request a lesser loan amount. The Cost of Attendance is calculated annually by LIPA’s International Team. It is the approximate, all inclusive cost of one year’s study at LIPA. Students should be aware that there are strict US Department regulations with regards to the disbursement of loan funds to students. 2016/17 Cost of Attendance for Undergraduate Degree Programmes (Approx $’s) Tuition Fees £15,200 $21,630 Accommodation £4,900 $6,973 Food £1,800 $2,561 Books and Supplies £200 $285 Clothes £400 $569 Travel Other Living Expenses £1,500 $2,135 Miscellaneous £533 $712 Total: £26,353 $37,500 © LIPA 2016 (Exchange rate selected in accordance with the historical average from March 2015 - March 2016 = 1.423 $US to £1 GBP)