SERENA-STROFIO Data Processing Status& Plans Brad Trantham Southwest Research Institute 02 Mar 2017
Level 2 – tlm2raw pipeline Pipeline software exists and supports a variety of input formats We have tested it with binary DDS files, GSEOS recorder files, and TXT data dumps Additional input file formats can easily be added if needed Outputs are currently in ASCII table format Currently working with SGS to conform input and output expectations to their overall pipeline
Level 3 – raw2cal pipeline Does not exist yet, will be worked on over the next year Detailed schedule TBD after STROFIO science team has time to work out a plan
Quick-look Analysis Software Does not exist yet, will be worked on over the next year Detailed schedule TBD after STROFIO science team has time to work out a plan
Pipeline Integration STROFIO team will deliver tlm2raw to SGS as executable .jar file for ingestion into their pipeline Delivery of raw2cal and QLA will be determined once the software exists We will also deliver to IAPS for SERENA pipeline integration At SwRI we will run a third pipeline for our own analysis
Future Plans Adapt tlm2raw (level 2) software to SGS pipeline Develop raw2cal (level 3) software Develop Quick-Look Analysis software Work with SGS and IAPS on pipeline integration efforts