NEIGHBOURHOOD ASSOCIATION HESPELER VILLAGE ASSOCIATION Register your child to attend the program Monday-Thursday! The program cost is $250.00 for the entire school year! After School Program HESPELER VILLAGE NEIGHBOURHOOD ASSOCIATION 1620 Franklin Blvd. Cambridge, ON N3C 1P2 519.240.3567
BENEFITS ∙ opportunities for socializing with Who is eligible to take part? Youth that are currently in grade 1-6 Children that are able to take direction and instruction from a staff person Children that are comfortable and able to interact in a group environment Children that interact and participate in the program in a manner that is safe for themselves and others HVNA is committed to providing quality service that is accessible to all persons. Please discuss your child’s needs with a staff member. After School Program Details HVNA’s After School Program is available for students from Woodland Park and St. Elizabeth Elementary schools. Staff will arrange meeting spots at both schools and will assist with safe arrival to our After School Program site, Hespeler Arena. HVNA’s After School Program is also available for other children grades 1-6 in the community if a parent/guardian can ensure their safe arrival to Hespeler Arena at 3:30pm HVNA’s After School Program requires children to register and attend program Monday-Thursday in order to comply with the Ministry’s guideline If your child cannot attend on a given day, HVNA requires a phone call or email letting us know of the scheduled absence. HVNA’s After School Program is available on school days, After School Program is cancelled on PA Days, Statutory Holidays, and school breaks and cancellations. After School Program participants must be picked up no later than 5:30 or have completed a Non-Parent Pick-up/ Permission to Sign Out Form Registration Details All registrations take place at the HVNA office or at the ASP Program. Registration is ongoing. A wait list is in place due to program popularity. Register early to avoid disappointment. To register, simply fill our a registration form with a HVNA staff member. After School Program Registration for Sept 2016 is now open! BENEFITS ∙ opportunities for socializing with peers∙ improved fitness ∙ stronger heart, bones, and healthier muscles ∙ increased concentration∙ better academic scores ∙ healthy growth and development ∙ improved self-esteem PROGRAM GOALS ∙ engage children in physical fitness ∙ educate about healthy food choices ∙ promote community development ∙ promote healthy decision making ∙ to have fun