Ch.23, Roosevelt and The New Deal Sec. 1, Roosevelt Takes Office Standard:AH2.H.8.4 Analyze multiple perceptions of the “American Dream” in times of prosperity and crisis since Reconstruction (e.g., Great Depression, Dust Bowl, New Deal, oil crisis, savings and loan crisis, bubble, mortgage foreclosure crisis, etc.).
Roosevelt's Rise to Power Country was in deep depression Republicans nominate Hoover, Democrats nominate Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) “I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American People.” His policies for ending the Depression became “The New Deal.”
FDR's Background Distant Cousin of Theodore Roosevelt Born to wealthy family Went to Harvard and Columbia Law School Charming personality, deep voice, very persuasive Married Eleanor Roosevelt
Early Political Career After law school, went straight to politics 1910, won seat in NY state senate Earned Reputation: Progressive leader willing to take down party bosses Nominated for VP, but lost. Withdrew from Politics
Tragedy for FDR The next year, he began to feel numbness in his legs He had the paralyzing disease Polio No cure, but he won't give up! Began to exercise, put steel braces on legs Relied on Eleanor to keep his political career alive
Active Again! Mid 1920's active again! Ran for governor and got it Cut taxes for farmers, worked to reduce the rates of public utilities Very Popular Saw him as energy and optimism in a tough economic time
Inaugurated Economy was in shambles Many feared that the amount of value for dollars would decrease Inauguration speech: “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!”
Sec. 2, The First New Deal
The Hundred Days Begins Roosevelt and his “Brain Trust” had many ideas In the first 100 days, Congress passed 15 bills in order to recover from Depression These programs would later be called “The New Deal.”
The Beginnings Picked advisers from many different backgrounds Agriculture, business, gov, law, social work Wanted different perspectives One thing was sure: He HAD to restore confidence in the banking system
Restoring Order in Banking First night in office, wanted an emergency banking bill Next day, declared a bank holiday Called Congress to Special Session 38 minutes until H.O.R. Passed Banking Relief Act Required federal examiners to survey nation's banks, issue licenses to financially sound banks
The First of Many Addressed the people during a “Fire-Side Chat” Direct talks to people letting them know his plans The day after the speech, people began to put money back into banks The Crisis had somewhat stopped
It's Time to Regulate! Many urged him to regulate stock market and banks Following year, Congress created The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulate stock market and prevent fraud Also, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to ensure bank deposits of certain amounts
Sec.3 The Second New Deal
The Second New Deal Begins First New Deal- effective for 2 years, yet economy had improved only slightly 2 mill jobs created 10 million still unemployed Deficit Spending Began Surprised at the failure of the first new deal, he launched a second new deal.
The Second New Deal The WPA Works Progress Administration $11 billion spent 8.5 mill workers constructed highways, roads, and streets. “Federal Number One” Musicians, artists hired
The Supreme Court's Role 1935 Congress struck down Schechter v. United States Selling sick chickens. “Sick Chicken Case.” Struck down NIRA
The National Labor Relations Act Congress passed NLRA or the Wagner Act Guaranteed workers right to organize unions Wagner Act – stimulated burst of labor activity: Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) formed Focused on steel and auto workers (big industries) Sit Down Strikes- General Motors in Ohio
The Social Security Act ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECES OF LEGISLATION IN AMERICAN HISTORY Goal: to provide security for elderly and unemployed workers Monthly retirement benefit: age 65 Left out most needy: farmers and domestic workers. A.A. Fell into these categories
Sec. 4, The New Deal Coalition
First Big Mistake Roosevelt wanted more Supreme Court Justices Wrote a bill to add more than 9 “Court-packing” Thought Roosevelt was interfering with Supreme Court Decisions Hurt his reputation
Economic Recession 1937, unemployment surged! Roosevelt wanted to balance budget Cut spending Social Security- 2 bill out of economy 2 mill- thrown out of work Asked Congress for $3.75 billion other programs
Government's New Role Created Safety Net for Americans Protection against economic disasters! Americans maintained confidence in government
Sec.4 Research Activity: Poverty 1930's v. Today 1936- 38% of families in US had annual incomes of less than 1,000. The poverty line was 1,330. Research poverty annual rates today. What is the most recent number? What percentage of Americans are below this number today? Question: What changes made in the 1930's may help us deal with poverty today?
Needs to be at least 4 sentences. Quick Write: Sec.3 Students, pretend that you are a General Motors worker during the Sit Down Strikes. Write a letter to your local newspaper describing the strike and explaining your actions during it. Needs to be at least 4 sentences.