Sfântu Gheroghe Sepsiszentgyörgy Sankt George Saint George
History Sfântu Gheorghe is one of the oldest cities in Transylvania, the settlement first having been documented in 1332. The city takes it name from Saint George, the patron of the local church. Historically it was also known in German as Sankt Georgen. While part of the Kingdom of Hungary, the city was an economic and administrative center for the Hungarian county of Háromszék, now Covasna and Braşov counties. In the second half of the 19th century, Sfântu Gheorghe saw the development of both a textile and a cigarette factory. It became part of the Kingdom of Romania following World War I. Sfântu Gheorghe is one of the centers for the Székely people in the region known to them as Székelyföld, and is home to the Székely National Museum. The city hosts two market fairs each year.
Hotel Hungaria Public illumination on the turn of the century
The monument of the 1848 revolution Market
Hotel Teglas Market The building of the county council
The bazaar Reformed pedagogic seminar Parts of the central park
The marketplace Railway station
“Kos Karoly” High School Art Gallery City Library
Views of the city centre
Pupils’ House “Tamasi Aron” Theater National Szekler Museum
“Mihai Viteazul” High School “Szekely Miko” High School
Lutheran church Reformed church Fortified reformed church
Parts of the central park