Skills for Care Update Karen Stevens – Locality Manager, 07969 749 451
On-going Learning & Development Guide A list of the recommended minimum learning and development areas in which adult care workers should be competent When and how learning should be refreshed Statutory requirements regarding worker training and competence How to support both care and non-care workers’ learning and development.
We have also put together a Frequently Asked Questions sheet to help you with quick questions about on-going learning and development.
Topic specific Frameworks Dementia Core Skills Education and Training Framework The aim is to help ensure the quality and consistency of dementia training, and to help prevent unnecessary duplication of training. Core skills and knowledge - transferable and applicable across service provision. Expressed in 3 tiers based on contact with people learning outcomes for training delivery, aligned to national occupational standards.
The dementia framework comprises of the following subjects: Dementia awareness Dementia identification, assessment and diagnosis Dementia risk reduction and prevention Person-centred dementia care Communication, interaction and behaviour in dementia care
Health and well-being in dementia care Pharmacological interventions in dementia care Living well with dementia and promoting independence Families and carers as partners in dementia care Equality diversity and inclusion in dementia care
Law, ethics and safeguarding in dementia care End of life dementia care Research and evidence-based practice in dementia care Leadership in transforming dementia care
Further frameworks in development Mental Health Learning Disabilities End of Life Care Person Centred Care