Cellulose-Based Product Tree Enzymatic Hydrolysis Glucose Fermentation and yeast cultivation Acid treatment Hydrogenation Ethanol HMF Sorbitol Ethylene Butadiene HMF Ethers HMF Esters Halomethyl-furfurals 5-Methylfurfalalcohol Vitamin-C Polyethylene PVC Rubber Hydrogenation cracking Other Alcohols Xylitol Erythritol Glycerin Ethylene Glycol Methanol Organic Acids Levulinic Acid Lactic Acid Acetic Acid Citric Acid Tartaric Acid +Formic Acid LEVA-Derived Polymers Hydrocracking + Dehydrogenation Acetone Polyamides Polyesters Polycarbonate Epoxide Ethanol Methane Yeast Hydrocracking + Amines Levulinic acid derivatives Polyamine’s + Mix of products Proteins Amino acids Vitamins Fats