Maison 604 Guestrooms
Standard Rooms
Luxury Suites
Food and Beverage Facilities R h a p s o d y At M a i s o n 604 use O F V A N C O U V E R
Local Vancouver Restaurant Quick Service Café Located in the Lobby
R h a p s o d y Jazz Bar Wine Cellar and Cigar Lounge Live Nightly Entertainment R h a p s o d y At M a i s o n 604
Steak and Seafood Restaurant use O F V A N C O U V E R Fine Dining Steak and Seafood Restaurant Serves as our Room Service and Catering Outlet
Meeting and Facilities
Michelangelo Room
Monet Lounge
Da Vinci Room
Health and Fitness Facilities Indoor Swimming Pool Health and Fitness Facilities
Betta Fish Located in all of our suites and Luxury Suites these Samurai Fighting Fish will add an element of comfort for all our guests
Peak Season May 1st to September 30th Leisure Travellers / Tour Groups Business Travellers Arts market
Off – Peak Season October 1st to April 31st Business Sector Special Events Sports Market
Steps to Success Predict and Satisfy Customer Needs Community Prestige Go Above and Beyond Customer Loyalty
Employee Benefits From Working at Maison 604 Employee of the Month Program Dinner at the Muse Restaurant Theatre Tickets One Nights Accommodation at Maison 604 Personal Growth Opportunities In House Training Programs and Seminars Financial Assistance for Higher Education
The Art of Service