Vyp fha;r;ry; Gyp fha;r;ry;
All ready to sleep
Something runs along the floor!
A little rat. Lets get weapons to kill it!
Did they need all these weapons to kill a mouse Did they need all these weapons to kill a mouse? Next all ready to go to bed
What came through the widow?
What did they try to scare the tiger with. What will the tiger do What did they try to scare the tiger with? What will the tiger do? It ran off with the baby
Kala only had a mild URI. Her white cells would have killed the URI germ. There was no need for her to get injections. She was trying to kill a rat with a gun!
But sometimes strong germs invade our body But sometimes strong germs invade our body. They are too strong for our white cells. Then our white cells need help with medicines called antibiotics. Like we can chase a tiger away with a gun and not a broome!
Chandran’s story He tried to chase away a tiger with a broome! He needed antibiotics Antibiotics are like giving a white cell a gun to kill strong germs
Antibiotics are like guns for white cells
Some antibiotics Penicillin for pneumonia Gentamicin for urinary infections Amoxicillin for ear and chest infections Ciprofloxacin for typhoid and urine infections Different antibiotics are for different illnesses They save lives BUT Antibiotics for one illness do not work for others BUT Antibiotics are no use for colds
What is antibiotic resistance If our enemies find out we have a secret weapon they will try and learn how to fight it The same happens with germs. Antibiotic Resistance Video 1
Antibiotic resistance will start inside you if you take antibiotics when you did not need them like Kala did. DON’t TAKE ANTIBIOTICS WHEN YOU DO NOT NEED THEM
Don’t treat ordinary URI with antibiotics Video 2 colds do not need antibiotics and 3. URI.flv (English) Not a good video What happens when you visit a doctor or nurse for a cold? They give an injection like Kala had Why did they do that when they know its useless? Discuss It will only cause antibiotic resistance
How to treat minor fevers your self Paracetamol helps fever and body ache Cough syrups or steam or vicks inhalations Fluids Some rest and gentle exercise Will settle in 3-4 days If not better see doctor
What are ‘tiger fevers’ or serious fevers. Fever that lasts more than 4 days Difficulty breathing- too fast in children on chest pain when you breath in= Pneumonia Drowsy or cannot stand Repeated vomiting See the doctor! You may need Antibiotics
Role plays Minor fever- avoid antibiotic. How to say no! Tiger Fever Minor fever- how to treat