Use Your Wisely Campaign ER Use Your Wisely Campaign October 14, 2016
What is the Campaign? Use Your ER Wisely is an education campaign to improve the public’s understanding of health care options available and the importance of attempting to see their own GP before seeking care in the Emergency Department. Evidence supports that patient education on health care options is associated with a shift in non-urgent emergency department visits to primary care with appropriate community capacity in place (Morgan et al, 2013).
Why are we doing this? Some patients are using the ER unnecessarily for non-urgent care. The campaign aims to: Strengthen the connection between patients and primary care providers and maximize the use of community-based services Reduce the reliance on the hospital ER for non-urgent care (CTAS level 4 & 5 visits). ER use for non-urgent health problems is associated with greater fragmentation and discontinuity of care with the patient’s primary care providers (Carrier et al, 2011). People who receive care from primary care physicians are healthier (Starfield et al, 2005).
ER Volumes & Acuity 2015/16 (campaign targets CTAS 4 & 5s)
Where did the campaign start? The White Rock-South Surrey (WRSS) Division of Family Practice and Fraser Health, in collaboration, launched the pilot public education campaign in December 2015. The campaign development was extensive and involved collaborating with multiple partners, including; Patients in the ER/walk-ins GP offices Walk-in clinics Peace Arch Hospital Emergency Department Peace Arch Hospital and Community Health Foundation developers HealthLink BC College of BC Pharmacists Municipality of White Rock Community partners WRSS’s Research Explored: Utilization patterns ER patients Walk-In Clinics GP Offices (same day access) Drivers – Why patients choose ER (when GP offices are open) NOTE: New Divisions may request research from WRSS
How WRSS Spread the Message Campaign education guide for staff at clinics, PAH and community partners Signage posted throughout community: Clinic exam rooms, waiting areas PAH Libraries, rec centre, and other community partners (poster also on back of White Rock Recreation Guide, over 30,000 copies) Video loop playing at: Local businesses via “Our Local Media” PAH electronic displays New office closed signs Change in after hours clinic voicemail Local walk-in clinics regularly update Medimap with estimated wait times Website & Facebook promotions Articles in Peace Arch News, DoBC Divisions Dispatch, FH The Beat Reinforcement of messages to patients at clinic and PAH visits
Impacts in WRSS Decrease in low acuity visits to PAH ER. Clinics and PAH staff are reinforcing and providing consistent messaging to patients. Wait times have levelled out amongst local walk-in clinics. Sustainable Health Care Ahead
PAH ER CTAS Visits % Change by Month between 2015 & 2016
FHA Communications Campaign Launched Dec 2014, rebranded Use the ER Wisely March 2016 Facebook, Twitter, Healthier You Most successful FHA social media campaign
How can the campaign be spread? Much of the groundwork has been laid from WRSS pilot’s achievement. Strongly endorsed by the Interdivisional council To promote continued success in other communities: The campaign must be identified as a priority Collaboration between champions from local Divisions of Family Practice and hospitals.
A ToolKit to Support Spread Support the following roles: Division of Family Practice champions Hospital champions (i.e. Site Medical Director, Executive Director, Director) GP Offices and walk-in clinics Fraser Health Practice Support Program representative Fraser Health Communications and Media Relations professionals/professional-resources/choose-right-care- right-place-use-er-wisely-campaign/
Online Toolkit
Online Toolkit
Launch November 10, 2016 What do I do to support the campaign? Collaborate with local Division of Family Practice Present at the MHCC meeting Coordinate distribution of printed posters, rack cards to all nursing units, Emergency waiting room, Medical Imaging, Lab Services, etc. Customize/use Hospital Campaign Guide to promote staff awareness of key messages. Enlist hospital resource (i.e. Volunteer Resources Manager) to monitor supply of posters and rack cards and re-order via Fraser Health print shop when necessary. Consider adding video or pdf image of poster to electronic signage if it exists in the hospital.
Thanks Campaign target