Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences towards diversified income: Saxion UAS case International Conference on Decentralization in Higher Education from a Global Perspective: Implications for Vietnam and the Region Sub-theme Diversification of Resources Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam 29,30 July 2010 Siep Littooij Manager International Project Desk Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Today focus Dutch UAS and Saxion UAS, the case UAS Policy environment for funding Emergent strategies for fund acquisition Organisational adaptations to diversified funding
The Netherlands Universities of Applied Sciences Education 39 UAS (51 Universities in NL) 38,000 employees 400,000 students (2/3 of all HE) 2,8 billion Euro as lumpsum finance (2006) Education Bachelor 4 year Professional Master 1-2 year Associate Degrees 2 year Public Character Teaching for the professions Applied research Engaged with the professions Multidisciplinary Region-oriented
Saxion UAS profile Eastern Netherlands 22000 students, 1700 Staff 13 Schools, 6 Research Centres Programmes 55+ Bachelor 15+ Master 7+ AD Income 2009: 159 Million Euro
Policy drivers in the Netherlands > : Diversification of universities Funding regime changes (pending) Quality ambition for education Develop Applied Research International perspective Collaboration with (regional) employers Regional knowledge contributions National Innovation Programmes EU Policies in R&D, Regions (at a distance)
Revenue sources compared UK HEI (2006-07) Saxion 2009
Universities Revenue % by grants & contracts Saxion: 2009 3,9%
The ‘Lepori challenge’ affects UAS grant funding strategy Knowledge & Research for the economic environment Customer demand driven: Customer funded Focused Institutional co-funding towards economic partners Technology transfer to meet customer demands Knowledge & Research for enhancement of education ‘supply’ driven for students : Generic funding Dispersed Institutional funding towards excellent professionals Technology development to meet human capital demands
Trends and opportunities for UAS, Targeted funding Funding for customer-driven R&D Funding for education Research Funding KNAW ZonNW FP7 EU Innovation funding Innovation Platforms Delta’s & Valleys 3rd party research Industry Local government Region & structural funds ERDF e.g. Interreg Ministry Education OCW Platform Betatechniek SKE RAAK Ministry Economic Affairs EVD Ministry Foreign Affairs NUFFIC
Learning through the ‘RAAK’ -programme Regional Attention and Action for Knowledge circulation Initiative of: Ministry of Education, Science and Culture The Dutch employers organisations HBO-raad (Association of Universities of Applied Sciences) Implementation by Foundation Innovation Alliance (SIA): HBO-raad TNO, national institute for applied research Syntens, public intermediary for SME innovation advise Novay, top institute for research collaboration on ICT
Ministry OCW for UAS: ‘RAAK’ Policy Goals 2010-1013: ~67 Million Euro Strengthen UAS research capacity Improve demand ‘antenna’ Peer2Peer Networking Develop methods Share knowledge Increase knowledge production for specific target groups Re-enforce relations UAS <-> SME’s Strenghten UAS linkage with Academic University
Meeting the challenges in RAAK Consortium criteria Consortium with industry partners Core partners 10 companies, periferal partners up to 50 Proposal criteria Concrete research questions articulated by SME’s (or public organisations) Collaboration in networks and clusters Process of knowledge circulation The knowledge position Sustainability of collaboration
3 strategic lessons learned Position funding applications in the knowledge value chain Funds require ambition: add value to state-of-the-art work by ‘others’ & focus on successes Funding meets social demands by responsible partners in an ecosystem
Emerging funding acquisition strategy: 1/Act in dialogue; 2/Acquire through competition The knowledge and funding arena NB each theme has its own funding arena
Internal adaptations to diversifying funding Structured Board involvement & commitment Strategy setting P&C Cycle Approval per application Structures & organisation Expertise centres Professors Research lines, protocols Project managers Central appointed coordinators Funding scouts Research coordination Project administration Culture of the institution Research readyness Entrepreneurial attitude towards Acquisition Cost/Benefit awareness
Thank you. Questions? Siep Littooij Manager International Project Desk International Conference on Decentralization in Higher Education from a Global Perspective: Implications for Vietnam and the Region Sub-theme Diversification of Resources Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam 29,30 July 2010 Siep Littooij Manager International Project Desk Saxion University of Applied Sciences