Division of Surveillance: Available Data Sources Chelsea Lynes, MSPH
Data Sources Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Children’s Health Assessment Survey (CHAS) Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT)
BRFSS Non-institutionalized adults (ages 18+) who reside in SC and have a telephone number Random-digit dialed telephone survey Administered in SC since 1984 Cell phones added in 2011 Data Are weighted annually to mirror the state population Can be compared between states and to nation Most recent = 2015
BRFSS continued Used for statewide prevalence of chronic conditions and can also assess the impact of social determinants of health on the prevalence
BRFSS continued NH = Non-Hispanic Some geographic information is available – keep in mind there are confidence intervals associated with these NH = Non-Hispanic
Satisfaction with care received in last 12 months (%) (BRFSS 2014) BRFSS continued Satisfaction with care received in last 12 months (%) (BRFSS 2014) Health care access and utilization module added in 2013 and 2014
CHAS Children under 18 If adult BRFSS respondent indicates child living in home, asked to complete CHAS Called back within one week BRFSS and CHAS respondent can be different Collected annually since 2012 Weighted to mirror state population of children Most recent = 2015
CHAS continued Annually, statewide and regional estimates available
CHAS continued Can link BRFSS and CHAS data
PRAMS New moms in SC Health behaviors and attitudes before, during, and after pregnancy Administered in SC since 1992 Can compare to other states Linked with birth certificate data Oversample very low and low birth weight babies Most recent = 2013
PRAMS continued Social determinants of health
PRAMS continued Barriers to prenatal care – also includes barriers to breastfeeding and oral health care utilization, among other issues Approximately 18% of women reported not receiving prenatal care as early as they wanted – here are some reasons why:
EPHT Data portal/visualizations of environmental related data Some CDC required Some SC specific Data steward for any lead testing data In SC since 2009
Climate and Health Indicators (EPHT) EPHT continued Climate and Health Indicators (EPHT) Heat-related Emergency department visits Hospitalizations Deaths Data visualizations on web portal https://www.scdhec.gov/HomeAndEnvironment/maps/ClimateandHealthData/
EPHT continued From 2010 to 2015 there has been an 60% reduction in the percent of children tested with an elevated Blood Lead Level There has been an increase in the percent of children being tested multiple times within the same calendar year going from 3.6% to 6.3%. 38 of the top 40 most tested Cities in South Carolina has shown from a 15% to 90% reduction in the percent of elevated BLL patients.
Summary BRFSS; CHAS; PRAMS EPHT Some data available on the web Data sets/tables available upon request Surveys flexible from year to year EPHT Stands alone Data visualization/web portal Steward of lead testing data
Questions? Thank you!
Kristin Simpson simpsokw@dhec.sc.gov Harley Davis davisph@dhec.sc.gov Chelsea Lynes lynescl@dhec.sc.gov