PROBLEM: Create a lab to demonstrate the scientific method using a simple classic paper airplane.
HYPOTHESIS: When you have decided on a plan (procedure), make a prediction based on the procedure you have developed to use the paper airplane.
EXPERIMENT(PROCEDURE): Materials: Notebook, ruler, paper, pen, paper airplane, set of instructions for constructing the paper airplane. Optional: colored pencils, markers Procedure: Use your creative talents to develop a plan that demonstrates the scientific method. Create a table and if possible a graph to record the data collected. Be sure to include at least 10 trials of whatever you decide to do.
DATA ANALYSIS : Collected information in the form of a table and a graph. All graphs or tables should be labeled.
Claim, Evidence and Reasoning-Write in complete sentences CONCLUSION Claim, Evidence and Reasoning-Write in complete sentences
RUBRIC FOR GRADING PAPER AIRPLANE LAB Complete in your composition notebook all your work. Final draft on the right side of spiral and ropugh draft on the left. Left side will not te graded. You will get it back ungraded if it is done on a piece of paper and not in your notebook. All parts of the lab labeled and the part name underlined 5 points. (Example Hypothesis )
Title is10 points Problem is 10 points Hypothesis is 10 points Experiment/Procedure 15 points (Be creative in your method of doing the lab.) List the dependent and independent variables for your experiment, the procedure and the materials. Data Analysis Tables (one) and Graph (min 1) 15 points each if properly labeled Conclusion is 15 points Discuss and analyze the data collected and form a proper conclusion that must either support or disprove your hypothesis. CER Recommendations:10 points Make recommendations for further study and/or possible improvements to the procedure. ****underline each heading(5 points) and final draft must be on right side of spiral(left side will not be graded)