Jorge’s report with suggested edits from es SUMMER 2017
SOCIAL MEDIA MONTHLY REPORT Jorge Tejada Social Media Consultant AUGUST 2017
SOCIAL MEDIA MONTHLY REPORT Jorge Tejada Social Media Consultant AUGUST 2017
Audience Overview: 2,452 Total followers, 41 new followers Age groups If you display both the FB and Twitter data horizontally, or both vetically, you will have more space, and can make the numbers and letters bigger. Age groups 1,362 followers +7 followers
TWITTER 1 Facebook
Facebook This looks great. Would you want to define “organic impressions” somewhere for board members who are not social media savvy? METRIC JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER TOTAL LIKES 1030 1056 1090 NEW LIKES N/A 16 34 LINK CLICKS 2,681 1,894 6,487 TOTAL ENGAGEMENTS (Reactions, comments, shares, photo views, etc) 545 470 998 TOTAL IMPRESSIONS 104,461 92,551 176,741 ORGANIC IMPRESSIONS 2,742 2,515 3,429 PAID IMPRESSIONS 95,098 86,680 173,312 MONTHLY INVESTMENT $1,273 $1,055 $1,346 AVERAGE COST PER CLICK TO WEB $0.47 $0.55 $0.20
Top Posts at Facebook (Impressions/Clicks) This looks GREAT, although the numbers and letters are sometimes hard to read.. Maybe you could have a slide right before this one that showed the analysis for one post, so people could see what KIND of data you had.
I think this page looks great, too. Top Posts at Facebook (Impressions/Clicks) I think this page looks great, too.
Twitter Could you explain “organic impressions” in case the board is not really familiar with the term? METRIC JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER TOTAL FOLLOWERS 1,365 1,355 1,362 NEW FOLLOWERS N/A -10 +7 LINK CLICKS 55 33 31 TOTAL ENGAGEMENTS (RTs, Likes, replies) 210 23 25 TOTAL IMPRESSIONS* 196,395 6,485 3,756 PAID IMPRESSIONS* 164,666 - ORGANIC IMPRESSIONS 31,729 * Due to a glitch on Twitter advertisement platform, these paid impressions (June) came at no cost. The platform promoted the tweet for free. We are currently not investing on Twitter ads because of the low results and high costs.
4 Comments & Recommendations TWITTER Should this be 3? 4 Comments & Recommendations
Title? See separate Word document for edits. Total spent August 2017: $1,346 We’ve found a way around Facebook’s limitation to edit the link photo and text, improving significantly our results this month. Although we did invest more (+300 USD) compared to July, the impressions almost doubled and the number of clicks to CET’s website increased a 242%. The average cost per click to CET’s website went even lower this month decreased this month at to a record of $0.20. This month, the most relevant topics were parenting (babies), seniors, news about the BMAL1 protein found in muscles and napping. Posts on Alzheimer’s, fibromyalgia and heritable sleep patters were also interesting for our audience. Twitter is still a channel were We are not reaching enough audience people on Twitter, and as a consequence, we have fewer less interactions and clicks. Twitter remains a channel to which we post to maintain a constant presence (important if we aim to be recognized as an authority) and also could become a good customer service channel. Without an investment, and considering it is expensive compared to Facebook, we’ll not see results. The $99 USD a month alternative is still on the table: The main objective for CET’s social media presence remains to reach as much people as possible (targeted according to interests, to create specific audiences while being relevant) and generate clicks to The upgrade to CET’s website is still something to be considered urgently.