Insect Pests - What do you need to know? Colin Ferguson Biocontrol and Biosecurity AgResearch Invermay Porina, sod webworm, grass grub and their relations, black beetle, Argentine stem weevil, cotula weevil, cut worms, mealy bug, root aphids
Insect control – predominantly by insecticide
Should we be past this?
New Zealand Turf Pests Native pests Exotic pests Porina Sod web worm Native cutworms Grass grub Manuka beetle Cotula weevil Pasture mealy bug Exotic pests Black beetle Tasmanian grass grub Argentine stem weevil Greasy cutworm Root aphids
Why are some insects pests? Our actions, our perceptions, make insects pests In stable, diverse, environments/habitats nature regulates populations Native grasslands, old pasture, old amenity turf – seldom see large scale insect damage When we disrupt stable systems - we disrupt natural regulation - large numbers of some insects - damage Our tolerance of normal insect feeding can be very low Disruptions: Mix ecosystems - European plants/New Zealand insects Simple habitats - few plant species, simple ecosystems Cultivation - destroys insects and natural enemies/pathogens Insecticide - destroys insects and natural enemies/pathogens
Dealing with pests - Insecticides Positives: Available Easy to use Efficient –high kill rates Often broad spectrum Sometimes cheap Negatives: Dangerous – operator and user safety concerns Major environmental issues Use develops reliance Often expensive Disrupt biocontrol Often only option – especially if damage threshold/tolerance is very low
Dealing with pests – Tolerant/Resistant plants, Endophytes Positives: Available – limited use Easy to use Long term Cheap Environmentally safe Negatives: Agricultural grasses Currently limited options but possibly an area to look to in future AVANEX may have a role
Dealing with pests – Management/Fertiliser Healthy plants tolerate more feeding than unhealthy plants Insects eat less “healthy” plants Positives: Available – limited use Easy to use Safe Benefits natural regulation Negatives: Some damage will occur A limited role but worth being aware of
Dealing with pests – Biocontrol/Biopesticides Positives: Some availability Easy to use Biocontrol self sustaining Biopesticides ≈ insecticides Safe for operator and users Environmentally safe Biocontrol -long term Negatives: Limited availability Biocontrol – some damage Biopesticides – shelf life Non-target effects Biocontrol – non reversible Currently limited options but a developing area
Dealing with pests – Awareness, Prediction, Planning Most often pest control occurs after damage occurred For most effective pest control prevent damage Damage can be predicted – sometimes 3 years ahead Awareness = prediction = planning = prevention
New Zealand Turf Pests Native pests porina, sod webworm, grass grub, manuka beetle, cotula weevil, native cutworms, pasture mealybug Population build up strongly enhanced by: European plants cultivation drought insecticide Biocontrol – very difficult, some biopesticides are being developed Plant tolerance/resistance – some, developing
New Zealand Turf Pests Exotic pests black beetle, Tasmanian grass grub, Argentine stem weevil, greasy cutworm, root aphids Populations become high because of limited natural population regulation Biocontrol – often possible, some biopesticides are being developed Plant tolerance/resistance – some, developing
Sod webworm(s)
Sod web worm(s)
Porina Sod web worm
Cutworms - greasy and native species Photo by :Cesar Australia
Grass grub Eggs are laid in the soil Grass grub are root feeders – feed on a very wide range of plants Need to be able to predict damage and treat before it occurs
Grass grub
Grass grub
Black beetle
Argentine stem weevil
Cotula weevil (Steriphus variabilis)
Conclusion Be aware of pests, learn to predict, act early NZ Sports Turf Institute - AgPest/PestAlerts - Be aware of opportunities to limit damage Resistant or tolerant plants, Endophytes, Healthy plants, fertiliser Biocontrol, biopesticides Insecticides Use safely Use at recommended rates Use early – prevent damage Use correct product Use correct formulation