Implementations Regarding Agriculture in Scale of Seferihisar 14. 11 Implementations Regarding Agriculture in Scale of Seferihisar 14.11.2015, Malatya
Seferihisar Seferihisar is a coastal district in Izmir. At a distance of 45 km from Izmir center. It is a nice Aegean town surrounded by olive and tangerine gardens. Its population is around 35.000 but in summer time it reaches approximately 150.000. It is the first Turkish town that is part of the Cittaslow movement .
Organization The Movement of cittaslow was born in 1999 through the new idea of considering the town itself and thinking of a different way of development, based on the improving of life quality. Municipalities which join the association are motivated by curios people of a recovered time, where man is still protagonist of the slow and healthy succession of seasons, respectful of citizens’ health , the authenticity of products and good food, rich of fascinating craft traditions of valuable works of art, respect of traditions through the joy of a slow and quiet living.
Cittaslow Network From 30 Countries, 201 Cities are part of this network.
Local Producer Markets There are two local producers’ markets in Sığacık and Seferihisar City Center More than 600 local producers sell their own products.
Seferihisar Tangerine Producer Union It is established by the help of Seferihisar Municipality to gather tangerine producers together, to spread the usage of tangerine products, and to increase export and its value in the market. To this end, the Packing Facility that was bought by the Municipality assigned to Tangerine Producer Union.
Tangerine Jam and Artichoke Conserve Production Facility It has become a reality with the support of İzmir Developmet Agency and Seferihisar Municipality. Ulamış Agricultural Development Cooperative operates the Facility now. It was established to diversify the products of wrought tangerine and artichoke and to sell the goods in internal market and to export.
Women Cooperative Hıdırlık Agricultural Development Cooperative was founded on 5 November 2010 to market the products of women of Seferihisar, and add value to agriculture in our town. It launched a virtual market ( where the members could market their products directly to customers. It also launched a restaurant named “Sefertası”, where the visitors were served traditional dishes. It engaged in “Traditional Cuisine of Seferihisar Project”, supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, UNDP, and Anadolu Efes; and “Developmet of Sales and Marketing Possibilities, Increasing the Value Added by Production of Pectin from Seferihisar’s Local Grapes Project” supported by IZKA (Izmir Development Agency) and IBB (Izmir Metropolitain Municipality)
School Gardens Gardens for children are organised in schools by the municipality. Local seeds and saplings are planted in the gardens by the children. They reconnect students with the natural world and the true source of their food, and teach them valuable gardening and agriculture concepts and skills that integrate with several subjects as well as several educational goals, including personal and social responsibility.
Seed Swap Festival «Seeds of Seferihisar» It is a big festival organization of Seferihisar Municipality, which targets to protect and spread the local seeds and produce healthy crops. Can Yücel Seed Center collects and protect the seeds. The seeds demanded by local producers are dippled and distributed by the Center. The project was selected as one of the best two Cittaslow projects in 21 st of June 2014 and decided to organize in Italian Cittaslows.
Lavender Parks and Gardens Lavenders planted by Municipality in May to a faubourg of Seferihisar will be transferred to the nature parks and gardens of Seferihisar when they reach the just sizes .
Seferihisar Nature School For the Love of the Nature! Seferihisar Municipality has also been involved in the founding of Seferihisar Nature School. The research building of the Nature School has been restored by the municipality staff and financial support. The municipality collaborates with the Nature School for works that support local producers, sustain traditional production and protect nature. Seferihisar Natural Heritage and Orhanlı Karakoç Stream erosion combat applications are examples of these collaborative works.
Seferihisar Nature School
Apprentice-ship Cources of Nature School
Berfin ÇELİKKOL UZUN Foreign Relations Directorate Responsible for Sister Cities and Assosiations