Materialdevlopment for the CEFR-spport system See URL: Overview about the presentation: Features of the Material development, esp. the input mask for Integration of Material Rev. and online since 2017/1/4
How to integrate material The gap between convenience and user-friendliness on one hand and sophisticated patterns for practical use, especially for teacher training and data-based material choice
Patterns for the input mask Q1. For what language is the material designed? ■ English German Japanese French Other, specify Q2. In what language is the material designed? Spanish
input mask Q1. For what level is material designed? A1 ■ A2 B1 B2 C1 Not specified yet Q. Knowledge of the subscales Not specified Yes, please specify (login needed)
input mask Q. For which skill(s)? (Any combination of 5 skills below) Q. For which skill(s)? (Any combination of 5 skills below) Listening Reading Spoken Interaction ■ Spoken Production Text Production Written Interaction Vocabulary Grammar
Patterns for the input mask Q1. For what timeframe is the material designed? Part of a lesson ■ one lesson Several lessons One semester Several month Other specify
Patterns for the input mask (2) What purpose? (Domain of language use) Academic purpose (EAP/ESAP) Occupational purpose Daily use purpose Topical information Specific > specify please not specified Strategy training
Patterns for the input mask (3) What kind of material? Part of a textbook Single worksheet Other, specify How is it distributed? Word-file Picture Audio-file Video-file
input mask: Feedback () What kind of feedback? Open recommendation No feedback Internal feedback How is the internal feedback distributed? Personal known to Admin User with a known background Anonymous user Other specify
Patterns for the input mask () What kind of exercise? (combinded patterns possible) Task-based Multiple choice gap-fill Q&A Writing a (short) text Drag&drop Eliciting Game Other, specify
Patterns for the input mask Copyrights Publisher ■ myself a Group of People Open: Creative Commons Other specify