대한췌담도학회 월례집담회 2011. 06. 04 CASE PRESENTATION Sang Koo Kang, Tae Hoon Lee, Sang-Heum Park Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Cheonan Hospital.
Chief complaints Recurrent epigastric pain onset) 2 months ago Past history : DM(-), HTN(-) Alcohol(-), Smoking(-) Operation history(-)
Present illness A 24-year-old man presented with recurrent abdominal pain that had started to worsen two months before P. Ex.: mild tenderness on epigastrium
Laboratory test WBC: 6.30 X 109/L, Hb:14.2 g/dL T-bilirubin: 1.1 mg/dl AST: 28 IU/L, ALT: 13 IU/L Amylase: 115 IU/L, lipase: 45 IU/L Alkaline phosphatase: 61 IU/L, GTP: 28 IU/L CEA: 4.05 ng/ml, CA19-9: 23.68 U/ml hs-CRP: 0.3 mg/L
Abdomen CT
Initial diagnosis Impacted stone in cystic duct or periampullary diverticulum CBD compression Therapeutic plan: ERCP
Initial diagnosis II Impacted cystic duct stone R/O Mirrizzi’s syndrome Therapeutic plan Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Operation Laparoscopic cholecystectomy Conversion to laparotomy Enuclation of an impacted stone by incision negotiated the cystic duct and CBD, but could not find connecting cystic duct and previously inserted plastic stent Conversion to laparotomy the saccular dilatated cystic lesion of CBD choledochal cyst excision with Roux-en Y hepaticojejunostomy
Histologic finding
Final diagnosis Choledochal cyst type II with a large impacted stone; masqueraded as a impacted cystic duct stone