Secondary Structure
Phi () and Psi () Page 8
Ramachandran Plot Page 9
Figure 1 The classical version of the Ramachandran plot for a) alanine (but often taken as typical for all non-glycines) and b) glycine according to Ramachandran and Saisekharan, 1968. The fully allowed regions are shaded, the partially allowed regions are enclosed by a solid line. The connecting regions enclosed by the dashed lines are permissible with slight flexibility of bond angles. These plots were arrived at by computer modelling. Although some overall features of these plots are correct, the details differ from the experimentally observed Ramachandran plots for c) all 19 non-glycines and d) glycine.
Anti-parallel beta sheet Page 18
Antiparallel beta sheet Page 18
Parallel beta sheet Page 19
Alpha Helix Page 15
Dipole moment of an alpha helix Page 16
carboxy i+4 i+3 i+2 i+1 i amino
Helical Wheels Page 16