By: Kevin Shi, Matteo Giardini, Eelisa Wei and Dawson Chen HIV/AIDS By: Kevin Shi, Matteo Giardini, Eelisa Wei and Dawson Chen
A Global Issue Diseases come in all shapes and forms HIV/AIDs slowly disables immune system making body weak against disease An uncured disease that threatens to destroy humanity The sharing of bodily fluids is the main point of infecting
Effect on the World 3rd World Countries are suffering, they cannot afford the proper health care to treat it Pandemics like HIV hits everywhere across the world possibly to anyone People's lives get ruined and deaths everywhere
What is Being Done to Stop AIDS UNICEF gives needed health care to 3rd world countries and raises awareness of HIV/AIDS and gives tips on how to prevent it.
Background Info About HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS is the current pandemic in the world, not just affecting places in Africa, but everywhere around the world. Places like South Africa are heavily affected by HIV because they don't have proper health care and exams to check for HIV. 29.1% of pregnant women in South Africa have HIV. The deaths registered in South Africa alone rose 91% from 1998 to 2006. There were 605,480 deaths in 2006.
Why We Chose This Topic HIV is a pandemic in the world, affecting everyone, but more so in South Africa. South Africa is a country where health care is not available to everybody, so more people succumb to the disease. Children - seniors are all affected by this disease, orphaning children and making their lives miserable. It's a disease with no known cure, so only medicine to lessen the burden is available, and if you have AIDS, most likely you will die.
HIV/AIDS Video (Still needs work)
SOS Children SOS Children operates in South Africa caring for children who have been orphaned, or infected with HIV AIDS.
What SOS Children is Doing They take care of the children who have been orphaned or infected with HIV, teaching them to practice safe habits, and helping them live longer lives. They send children to villages that have air drops of clean water, food, clothing to help them become less vulnerable to HIV.
SOS Children Village
What We Like About SOS Children They still help the children with AIDS live the remainder of their lives happier and better. They help vulnerable children live in relatively safety from getting infected by HIV.
Description of HIV Symptoms of HIV may not come when you first get infected with the virus. Many Symptoms of HIV are flu-like symptoms, like headache, fever, tiredness, and enlarged lymph nodes. These symptoms may disappear by themselves within a few weeks. This phase may last for years. This phase continues as the battle between the body and the virus, but as the years pass and the body tires, and AIDs is developed. So basically the symptoms are a greater exposure of diseases and viruses.
Development of AIDS The Center for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta has listed a series of diseases as AIDS-defining. When these diseases appear, it is a sign that the infected individual has entered the later stage of HIV infection and has started developing AIDS. The progression of HIV positive persons into the AIDS stage is highly individual. Some people can reach the AIDS stage in about five years, while some remain disease free for more than a decade. Measurement of the viral load and the CD4 count helps a doctor in assessing an infected person's health condition.
Our Group HCWA - Helping Children With AIDS.
Why This Issue is Important People should be informed because this disease is worldwide, especially in South Africa. To support the cause of the treatment, and the prevention of HIV/AIDS will better the whole world and help in ridding the world of this disease. This disease can happen to anyone, anywhere, so if people are informed about the disease, we can stop the spread of the disease in the whole world, let alone South Africa. So we can start small and help children in South Africa.
Our Short Term Goal A short-term plan for achieving our goal is to bake cookies, muffins, cakes, brownies, and etc. and with the money that we raise donate it to a foundation that will receive and help the children in Africa since we can’t physically help them.
Our Long Term Goal A long-term plan is to give awareness to the people at SAS, specifically targeting middle school students.
Our Wiki Our wiki tells people the background information about HIV, how you could possibly attain it, what the virus is and how it works, what is going on in South Africa, with the children and everything else. Our Wiki:
Organizations and Petitions UNICEF – Organization currently working on helping HIV/AIDS infected people. SOS Children – Organization supporting children by doing fundraisers and building villages for HIV/AIDS children. AIDS Foundation South Africa – currently doing Fundraisers to support children in Africa. African Health Rights – Petitions you can sign.
Our Action Plan We have already began selling stuff, and we made a good 75RMB already, getting closer to accomplishing our short-term goal. Probably by the end of a few weeks, we should have achieved our goal, and it should be good.
Why Is Curing HIV/AIDS Important? The worlds only possible downfall by disease is a pretty good reason you should try to prevent it from spreading, and by helping them to try treat patients, we could stop the disease. Everyone could be infected, possibly you, and there is no current cure for this disease once you contract it.
Why Should People Act Now? People should act because they could contract it too. People should try to empathize for the people with HIV living in poor conditions when they cant get any form of relief or treatment. It could possibly mean the humans downfall if a vaccine is not developed soon.
Why YOU Should Act People should try to empathize for the people with HIV living in poor conditions when they cant get any form of relief or treatment. Imagine having your parents taken away from you because of this disease, and its coming for you too.
Works Cited We need to work on this………
The End Thanks for Listening