Review: Affirmative Action 1. According to affirmative action who would I choose to come to college or who to hire from the applicants below? Circle who would get accepted for each scenario A), B), and C). A qualified Black female OR A qualified White male A White, wealthy, male with a C GPA OR A hardworking Black male with a C GPA C) A Hispanic female with okay SAT scores OR A White male with great SAT scores
4. Look at the political cartoon below 4. Look at the political cartoon below. Think about what is being said and who is saying it. What is it saying has happened since affirmative action was ended on this college campus?
Civic Engagement and Social Networks
1.Define these words based on what we have talked about: *ACTIVISM= The policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change. *APATHY=Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern 2. What does it mean if you are active in school? Do you think you are active or apathetic about school? I. Activism vs. Apathy As citizens, we are either full of activism OR we are full of apathy Citizens who are active in society are more informed about what is going on
II. Civic Engagement Because we are American, we have certain rights or freedoms automatically, but we also have duties and responsibilities to keep our country strong Rights=things we have just because we are Americans 3. What are some rights we have because you are an American? -Involving education… -Involving speech…religion…
Duties=things you MUST do Responsibilities= things you SHOULD do to make society better -Civic, Personal, Moral, Legal, Fiscal 4. What is an example of a fiscal (money) duty? What about a fiscal responsibility?
Duties Obeying the Law What you must do: 2. Defending the Nation (during times of a draft) 3. Serving on a Jury or as a Witness What you must do
Duties 4. Paying Taxes What you must do: 5. Attending School
Responsibilities Working Toward Common Good What does this mean?: 2. Voting 3. Holding Government Office
Responsibilities 4. Influencing Government What it is: 5. Serving the Community
Civic Engagement: How involved are Americans?
How Civically Engaged are you How Civically Engaged are you? Take the survey below to figure out how involved you are. Give yourself 1 point for each of the following things that are true of you. 1. Attended a public meeting in the past year (school board, town council, zoning commission) ______ 2. Attended a political rally/event in the past year ______ 3. Could go to your regular grocery store and would probably (Fifty-fifty chance) see someone you know ______ 4. Regularly attend synagogue/temple/mosque/church ______ 5. You have less than a fifteen minute commute each day, each way ______ 6. Know the names of one half of the people on your block ______ 7. Play on a sports team, go to the gym, or are involved in an artistic organization ______ 8.Are a member of a club/organization/volunteer group that meets regularly ______ 9. Go out more than one night a week (movie, dinner, dancing, parties, bowling) ______ 10. If your car broke down at 3 pm on a typical Wednesday, you could have a ride home in half an hour _______
Now add up your points and see how plugged-in you are Now add up your points and see how plugged-in you are. Your score is below. 10 – 8 Social Capitalist Extraordinaire 7 – 5 Civically Engaged 4 – 2 Out Of Network 1 – 0 Home Alone
1. Define the generations. DotNet= about 20-35 GenX= about 35-50 Boomer= about 50-65 Dutiful=70-100 Your generation is genZ
2. Fill in the chart below for each generation and percent of those who always vote. 3. Fill in the chart for each generation and percent of those who are active members of group organizations. All DotNet GenX Boomer Dutiful All DotNet GenX Boomer Dutiful DotNet= about 20-35 GenX= about 35-50 Boomer= about 50-65 Dutiful=70-100
4. What is another topic that really stands out to you? 5. Are older or younger people more involved? Why do you think that is?
Why is our Civic Engagement so low? Why is it decreasing? Directions: For each of the 3 reasons listed below, answer the questions. Think to yourself, is this really why we have decreasing involvement in our society? Do I agree or disagree?
Reason #1: Too much technology The Amish don’t believe in using technology because they believe that it pulls people apart. Watch the video for more details and then answer the questions. 1. Why do you think Amish people believe that technology pulls people apart? Could you think of an example? 2. Do you think that technology like TV or the Internet brings people together or pulls them apart? Give 2 reasons for why you believe this.
1. Why do you think Amish people believe that technology pulls people apart? Could you think of an example? 2. Do you think that technology like TV or the Internet brings people together or pulls them apart? Give 2 reasons for why you believe this.