The Water Cycle
The Sun The sun provides the energy to power the water cycle The sun heats the upper ocean causing evaporation of liquid water into water vapor
The water vapor rises into the atmosphere and cools The cooled water vapor creates tiny water droplets that form clouds
When clouds become too heavy with water droplets, precipitation falls rain sleet snow hail
Once water reaches the earth’s surface: Infiltrates the surface (soaks in) Runs across the top of the ground filling rivers, lakes, and streams (can cause erosion)
infiltration When water enters the soil surface after falling from the atmosphere
Run off Water moving along the surface of the earth before it enters a channel, such as a creek or a stream.
watershed An area of land where the water drains into a body of water.
percolation The downward movement of water from the land surface into soil or porous rock. It is caused by gravity
precipitation Water condensed in the clouds falls to Earth in the form of rain, sleet, or snow.
Surface water Water located on earth’s surface Most US cities use surface water rivers lakes streams ponds creeks reservoirs
porosity Amount of water that a material can hold in the spaces between the pores
condensation When water vapor cools and forms droplets on a surface.
aquifer A natural underground area where large amounts of ground water collect and create an underground supply of water. Amount of water stored depends on the porosity and permeability of the sediment
permeability The measure of how well an earth material can let water pass through it.
evaporation The sun heats a body of water and causes the water to turn into water vapor.
ground water Water located under the ground surface Reached by using wells Cleaner and safer
water table Underground area where the soil is permanently saturated with water. The pressure of the water in the soil is the same as the atmosphere.
pollution Any change to the environment that has a negative effect on living things. Water sources are especially sensitive to pollution. Burning fossil fuels can create acid rain.
Discussion Questions Is there a beginning to the water cycle? What is the power source for the water cycle? How does water get into an aquifer?