Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made Overarching Class Goal of RDG 185: Develop cognitive strategies when reading that ensures development of competence in an area of inquiry. All the strategies you will learn in RDG 185 fit within the illustration below. The following illustrations will provide you with a mental framework within which to organize and think about everything you learn in RDG 185. Learning Strategies New information: Text Re-expose Elaborate Time Interval Conceptual Framework Question Audience: Prior Knowledge - dendrites Recite Internal Dialogue Working Memory Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made Prior Knowledge
To achieve the overarching goal, the learner needs to: (a) develop a deep foundation of factual knowledge, (b) understand facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual framework, and (c) organize knowledge in ways that facilitate retrieval and application. All reading strategies will focus on achieving the goals above within the mental processes to be illustrated below. Goal: Developing competence in an area of inquiry New information Prior Knowledge Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made 20-30 seconds to do something: think about thinking Foundation of factual knowledge Conceptual framework Organize for retrieval Working Memory Prior Knowledge
Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made First, a quick explanation of what working memory is: Prefrontal cortex - working memory, the brain's "holding area," where perceptions and ideas can first be compared to other information. Fatigues easily and can hold only a limited around of information "on line" at any one time. Promotes and supports higher intellectual functions. Working memory is the ability to actively hold information in the mind needed to do complex tasks such as reasoning, comprehension and learning. Working memory tasks are those that require the goal-oriented active monitoring or manipulation of information or behaviors in the face of interfering processes and distractions. Working Memory The blue rectangle represents working memory Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made
RDG 185 Competence 1 New information: Text Apply prior knowledge, active reading and metacognitive processes to a variety of texts to enhance comprehension. Learning Strategies Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made New information: Text Re-expose Elaborate Time Interval Conceptual Framework Question Audience: Prior Knowledge - dendrites Recite Internal Dialogue Working Memory Where information is manipulated and learning decisions are made. Prior Knowledge
Prior knowledge: Cognitive Strategies Active Learning If the learner wants active learning to occur he or she must get new information or concepts they are wanting to learn into working memory along with prior knowledge and cognitive strategies (decision making); that is, into conscious awareness (working memory) and apply the cognitive strategy (manipulate the information). Cognitive Strategies New information Prior Knowledge Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made Re-expose Time Interval Elaborate Prior Knowledge - dendrites Working Memoryy Prior knowledge: Cognitive Strategies
Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made RDG 185 Competence Apply prior knowledge, active reading and metacognitive processes to a variety of texts to enhance comprehension. The first mental activity the learner has to accomplish is to bring (1) new information being learned and (2) prior knowledge into awareness (into working memory). Learning Strategies Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made New information Re-expose Elaborate Time Interval Conceptual Framework Question Internal Dialogue Working Memory Prior Knowledge Prior Knowledge
Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made RDG 185 Competence Apply prior knowledge, active reading and metacognitive processes to a variety of texts to enhance comprehension. The next mental process the learner has to do is apply (bring into conscious awareness) a cognitive strategy(ies) manipulate new information and prior knowledge to achieve comprehension and learning. Learning Strategies New information Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made Re-expose Elaborate Time Interval Question Internal Dialogue Recite Learning Strategies Working Memory Prior Knowledge Prior Knowledge The new information becomes prior knowledge to be used in future learning.
Why does the learner need to build this illustration of working memory into their thinking? It provides a conceptual framework for organizing all the mental processes the learner will be developing throughout the semester. Goal: Developing competence in an area of inquiry New information Prior Knowledge Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made 20-30 seconds to do something: think about thinking Foundation of factual knowledge Conceptual framework Organize for retrieval Working Memory Prior Knowledge
1 You are reading and run across new information. Let’s walk through the process of learning using the illustrations of working memory. 1 You are reading and run across new information. Prior Knowledge –inner information Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made New outside information Working Memory Where you mentally store and manipulate information while learning Working Memory -
New outside information Prior Knowledge –inner information Let’s walk through the process of learning using the illustrations of working memory. 2 You are reading and run across new information. Since it now in your awareness, it is in working memory (prefrontal cortex). New outside information Prior Knowledge –inner information Working Memory
Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made New information Let’s walk through the process of learning using the illustrations of working memory. 3. In order to learn anything prior knowledge must come into awareness (working memory with the new information). Prior Knowledge: Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made New information Prior Knowledge - dendrites Working Memory
Let’s walk through the process of learning using the illustrations of working memory. 4 The reader must now select from pool of strategies which ones are most appropriate for meeting the goal for reading and bring it (them) into working memory with the new information and prior knowledge. For example, if the reader wants the new information to move to long-term memory, one strategy is to elaborate on the new information by writing about it or having an internal discussion with oneself, etc. Learning Strategies New information Prefrontal Cortex – where decisions are made Re-expose Time Interval Prior Knowledge - dendrites Elaborate Working Memory
Learning has occurred; a new dendrite has grown Let’s walk through the process of learning using the illustrations of working memory. 5. If learning has occurred, new information moves out of working memory and becomes prior knowledge for future learning Now that new learning must be strengthened, which is the new reading/learning goal and new strategies must be brought to working memory to strengthen the new dendrites that have grown in the brain (new learning). Learning has occurred; a new dendrite has grown New information moves out of working memory and becomes prior knowledge for future learning Working Memory