Implementing Flexible Smarter Working: Some thoughts from experience Share D’All, Workspace Development Manager Hampshire County Council
Commitment & role-modelling KEY CHANGE ELEMENTS Senior Management: Commitment & role-modelling Understanding & applying learning Challenges Ongoing change messages Misperceptions Embedding CULTURE CHANGE Overcoming Reinforcing changed practice Clarifying meaning Ongoing barriers & hurdles Success factors Performance management AIM: Embedding Flexible Smarter Working Changes required Flexible IT Clearing snags Management Practice Inducting staff Flexible spaces: Buildings, design & furniture Work patterns ENABLING INFRASTRUCTURE BEHAVIOUR SHIFT Adult/Adult approach Flexible working patterns Joined up FM Business Processes All Staff Access to flexible locations Ensuring staff health & safety FM Rights & Responsibilities Customer Storage Communications & team management Patterns Perspective Adapting to individual special requirements Paperwork
Making People & Spaces Work Considerations: Business needs & synergies Desk sizes & ratios IT requirements Storage Requirements Special Requirements (business & individual) Team interaction (communication & support) Front of House & Back of House Myths: People can tell you their requirements accurately with no experience One size fits all Dissenters are just a nuisance The more the merrier – with protocols You will never move again Once it is in place you have succeeded and can relax There is loads of parking!
Useful for exploring tensions and flagging up underlying issues Ego States in Change Situations CHILD ADULT PARENT Felt Thought Taught Brings the ability to think things through, understand and problem solve – bringing in a range of information and perspectives Useful for exploring tensions and flagging up underlying issues Useful for bringing any positive learning and experience from past into current situation
– – ADULT PARENT CHILD Brings Maturity, Rationality, Nurturing ; Power sharing, Finding solutions Nurturing ; Structuring Co-operative; Spontaneous ADULT PARENT CHILD – – Felt Thought Taught Spoiling (Overindulging) or Criticising / Controlling Immature; Compliant or Resistant With tone : I want … Why can’t I … I won’t…. Why should I … It’s wrong to / you can’t… You shouldn’t / mustn’t… Oh dear of course you can’t … Of course you must …. Why can’t you ….
ORGANISATIONAL BENEFITS ORGANISATIONAL BENEFITS TO GAIN THESE ‘BE FLEXIBLE’ BENEFITS WE NEED TO: Adapt our ways of doing things so we do not lose out on: Team communication Team support Customer contact Adapt the way we work to keep down the space we need in the office Lose our tendency to be territorial at work Be generous and considerate about sharing our spaces ORGANISATIONAL BENEFITS Saves money on accommodation / building costs, improves productivity ‘More For Less’ Be Flexible Work Smarter BENEFITS FOR YOU: Can improve work/life balance, reduce travel & reduce stress BENEFITS FOR YOU: Reduce the stress of doing more for Less; increase your productivity; May minimise job losses in long run TO GAIN THESE ‘WORK SMARTER’ BENEFITS WE NEED TO: Take stock of our current ways of working as individuals and teams and look at ways to work differently to: Seek to reduce waste of time and resources Make sure we are clear about our priorities & protect them Be organised and effective Review our processes to streamline and integrate them ORGANISATIONAL BENEFITS Will save money on Reduced energy costs, reduced Resource expenditure, better use of time, higher productivity ‘More For Less’
BE Flexible Locations Patterns Spaces Technology Behaviours Review the patterns of your work to give you more flexibility: this might be about the number of hours you work, or when you do those hours … as long as it fits the needs of your business there are many choices Make best use of the range of locations you can work in to cut travel costs, make best use of your time & support the organisation to cut the cost of under-used buildings. Make better use of the range of spaces inside the building to do different types of work Locations Patterns Spaces BE Flexible Technology Behaviours People who are flexible are most likely to thrive in changing and challenging times & environments. How can you develop your ability to be more flexible whilst protecting your priorities? If you do it will making sharing a building with others easier, reduce your stress and increase your value to the organisation Make better use of the flexible technology available to support the other elements of flexibility (working at home / elsewhere etc) and to enable you to improve your use of time. Use technology to make things easier and more efficient for your team or customers and reduce costs
Joined up & Streamlined Effective Work SMARTER Manage Information Explore how to join things up better and streamline them to minimise duplication and get the maximum impact in for the least effort – for both us and those we work with Be clear about your priorities so that you can make sure you are really focusing your time and energy on the things that most matter. Review the way you share and store information to reduce paper storage. Make use of off site archiving where possible. Choose how and where you store & access confidential data to protect it as well as your flexibility Joined up & Streamlined Effective Work SMARTER Manage Information & Paper Energy Efficient Organised What changes can we make as individuals, teams and in buildings which will reduce our energy costs and the money we spend on disposable resources (paper etc) Saving money on these things by getting into habits like turning stuff off could offset other areas where we want to retain resources. Take stock - can you or your team reduce expensive staff time or energy and resources currently wasted on low level or repetitive activity. Are there ways that better planning or organisation could save you time and the organisation space or money?
Organisational Issues Team Issues Individual Issues Be considerate Play your part ‘Our space’ NOT ‘my space’ Service Issues Whole Building Issues Floor Issues Organisational Issues