Survey of the Old Testament


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Presentation transcript:

Survey of the Old Testament Class Three Min. Yolanda Chambers

Agenda Objectives Joshua Questions Key Ideas Purpose Major Themes God’s Presence Structure Key Points Questions


Book of Joshua - Objectives Author and background of the book of Joshua. Identify to whom the book of Joshua was written. State the purpose for the book of Joshua. Write the Key Verse of the book of Joshua from memory. State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Joshua.

Key Ideas The faithfulness of God in fulfilling covenant promises The conquest and apportionment of the land The importance of obedience

Purpose The purpose of the book of Joshua is summarized nicely in Joshua 21:43-45. 43 So the Lord gave Israel all the land he had sworn to give their ancestors, and they took possession of it and settled there. 44 The Lord gave them rest on every side, just as he had sworn to their ancestors. Not one of their enemies withstood them; the Lord gave all their enemies into their hands. 45 Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled. The book shows how God kept his covenant promise to give the land to Israel.

Major Themes Covenant and Land Ban Divine Warrior Sovereign Involvement Corporate Solidarity

Covenant and Land The land is central focus of the covenant God promised Abraham a land The delivery of the land into the hands of Israel is the focus of the book of Joshua The Land serves as evidence of God having chosen Israel as his covenant people and bestowing favor on them

Ban A prominent theme of Joshua is the instructions regarding how the conquered cities of Palestine were to be treated. The ban meant to “destroy them totally”… “show them no mercy” The term ban is inadequate to convey the meaning of the concept, but it is widely used. Lately defined as “Consecrate something or someone as a permanent and definitive offering for the sanctuary; in war, consecrate a city to its inhabitants to destruction; carry out this destruction; totally annihilate a population in war; kill”. Why the ban, because of the wickedness in the land (Deut 9:5).

Divine Warrior The Lord is frequently described as “YHWH of the armies” The Lord engages in combat on behalf of the Israelites The horse is made ready for the day of the battle, but victory rests with the Lord. Proverbs 21:31

Sovereign Involvement The book is insistent that the Lord sovereignly acts in history in order too execute his plan and carry out his promise Not a haphazard involvement, but a part of an ongoing consistent plan of Go…..the outworking of God’s plan

Corporate Solidarity The sense of ethnic identity was much stronger for Israel than it is in today’s Western societies Family members came to the aid of a disadvantaged member of the clan. All could suffer for the sake of one.

God’s Presence God’s presence with the Israelites is confirmed by His deliverance of the land to them and their recommitment to relationship is indicated in the covenant ceremony in Joshua 8.

Structure The writing of the Book Composition Historicity Scholarly study of the book has focused on two separate yet related issues: Composition and historicity Composition Hexateuch – Six books: The Pentateuch plus the book of Joshua Historicity Composed of etiological legends (fictional stories contrived to give some explanation for an observed phenomenon or situation)

Key Points Who is Joshua? Name means “The Lord Saves” (Mt 1:21) (Greek form of Joshua is Jesus) One of the 12 spies sent by Moses (Num 13) One of only 2 men of 1st generation to enter the land Moses’ aide (Ex 24:13) Moses’ successor “Be strong and courageous” (Dt 31:6, Jos 1:6)

Key Points I. Conquest of the Land (ch 1-12) Commissioning of Joshua (ch 1) Spying out the land (ch 2) Crossing the Jordan (ch 3,4) Circumcision at Gilgal (ch 5) Fall of Jericho (ch 6) Achan’s Sin and the for Ai (ch 7-8) List of 31 defeated kings (ch 12)

Key Points II. Distribution of the Land (ch 13-21) Land for Caleb Allotment for 9 ½ tribes: Judah, Ephraim, ½ Manasseh, Benjamin, Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, Dan Land for Joshua Cities of Refuge Towns for the Levites (48 towns)

Key Points III. Joshua’s Farewell & Death (22-24) Reminds the people of God’s faithfulness “… not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.” (23:14) Encourages the people to serve God “… choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, … But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD ." (24:15)

Key Points Lessons Learned in Joshua God Keeps His Promises The Importance of Obedience

Key Points Genesis – Deuteronomy contains God’s promises to his people (Gen 12:2,7) Joshua contains Initial fulfillment of the promise “Not one of all the LORD's good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” (21:45) The nation of Israel finds a home

Priests, tribal officers (6:6, 1:10) Key Points Importance of Obedience An army must have a chain of command God Commands (6:2-5) Joshua obeys (6:6) Priests, tribal officers (6:6, 1:10) Joshua obeys (6:6)
