Welcome to AP Calc AB with Ms. Pfenning Find yourself on the seating chart!!
Before we get started… A note about the door It’s not locked It doesn’t close properly
Hi! I’m Ms. Pfenning. This is my 10th year at FHS and 5th year teaching AP Calc AB I have a cat named Jack. Here he is wearing a hotdog costume. He has an instagram If you send me a picture of your pet, I’ll put it on a quiz or a lesson
Important information Rosie Pfenning (that’s me!) Office hours: 1st, 4th(lunch), 5th Before or after school by appointment only My office is in the back of this room, but you can get to it through the hallway (it’s very small) Contact: rosanne.pfenning@bvsd.org Don’t bother calling me
Important websites https://www.fairviewhs.org/staff/rosie-pfenning
Everything is online! Gone? Lost? Have a question at 2AM [you should be asleep]? Check the website.
More Important Websites https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-calculus-ab The course page for AP Calc AB http://www.calcchat.com/book/Calculus-10e/ Answers to all odd problems! (step-by-step)
“Better Explained” If tedious mathematical explanations and abstractions bother you [or you just memorize the things your math teacher tells you to and don’t really know why], this website is for you I’ll post several articles from it throughout the year This is an overview of calculus: http://betterexplained.com/articles/a-gentle-introduction-to-learning-calculus/
Now for some FAQs
What do I bring to class?
How will I be graded? Homework (20%) Show ALL work using standard mathematical notation And make it neat! CHECK YOUR ANSWERS AT calcchat.com Late work accepted for ½ credit before the chapter quiz/test Work is late if you give it to me after I’ve graded the assig Partial credit given for partially complete on-time assignments
How will I be graded? Assessments - quizzes, tests, projects (62%) Follow AP format (practice, practice, practice!) Credit only given for good notation & justifications Timed – If you have a documented need for extra time, please see me before a test to work out logistics The final is worth 18% of your final grade FHS Make-Up Policy 2 days to schedule a make up. It’s up to you to contact me. ♫ (note): The make-up exams are different No credit awarded for an unexcused absence
Do you round up? At the end of the semester I will round up (but only if your grade on the final matches the higher grade!)
When is the AP exam? Tuesday May 15th ≈7:45𝐴𝑀 FYI: if you have used extended time on all your math tests, you must go to the college board website to apply for accommodations. https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/takingtheexam/testing-accommodations
Is this on the test? Yes!
Nope! Can I have extra credit? Follow-up Question: Is there anything I can do to improve my grade? Yes! Do better on the next exam
Will I get an A? I hope so! Form a study group But it’s not guaranteed. This is a college level class. For many of you, it will be much harder than any class you’ve had before. Form a study group Even if you aren’t assigned HW, you can still study for the next test Expect to work hard in this class I’m not trying to scare you. I’m just letting you know what you’re in for.
What mode should my calculator be in?
What is expected of me? Respect yourself and others Be on-time and prepared Bring your stuff! Duh! Take pride in your work Put your phone away There’s one exception to this… OK maybe two. IF YOU’RE NOT SURE JUST ASK!
Now for some fun stuff!
Fun Stuff! One year we made bandanas (calculus biker gang???) One year we made T-shirts! One year we had a participation ceremony!
Getting done early! In April we will have extra sessions (probably 2) I will announce these dates in January If you attend these sessions, your last day of this class will be Tuesday May 15th
And finally, some acronyms AP = Advanced Placement AB = Absolutely Beautiful BC = Big Chucklehead!
And now…. On Your Note card Name (what I should call you) & last name! What’s your preferred pronoun? On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you talking in class. * 1 = OMG I’LL DIE; 10 = Hermione Granger On a scale of 1-10, how stressful was your last math class Anything else? A Joke? A picture?
Your Homework! Complete select problems from the “Are you ready for Chapter 1” handout I am only assigning 8 problems, but there are 27 all together. The handout (and answers!) are online There is one of these for each chapter we do 1st semester. It’s all ALGEBRA stuff. You should be able to do it While you’re working, I’ll call you up to get a book! Consider taking an online book – it’s lighter BRING YOUR TI TOMORROW and the next day…. Look at all those exclamation points