STUST Library ● URL ● Location : Building E ● Library Holdings : over one million two hundred fifty thousand volumes/pieces 1
Floor Plan: B1F~1F, 7F~12F
樓層配置:1F (3/9) 4
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Patrons must hold the school or library issued and recognized card or ID for entrance to the library within the opening hours.
Borrowing Regulations: The statement of patron's privileges To ensure your full understanding of the Library’s regulations and to confirm your e-mail address, you are required to sign “The Statement of Patron’s Privileges” before your first borrowing from the Library.
Library Free Movie on Wednesday Place: Library 12th Floor Multimedia Area Time: Each Wednesday afternoon. The movie titles and the showing time please check the library website.
Library Services Graduate students may reserve study carrel for your research need. More than 4 students can reserve a group study room for discussion need.
How to find e-resource from library? 1/2 Step 2: Library English Homepage CollectionDatabases Step 1: STUST English Homepage Quick LinksLibrary
How to find e-resource from library? 2/2 Step 3: STUST library e-resources integrated searching
Library APP ~Using Moveable Device to search library holdings, renew , reserve and ... Library’s e-Pad or iPad can borrow to dorm from 12th Floor. 18
Respect Intellectual Property Rights When using library e-resources: 1.Do not download a lot of full-text data in a short time. 2.Do not use any automatic download software or heavily print. 3.Do not download full-text data to sell. 4.Buy legal copies text books. 19
Welcome to the STUST Library And the STUST Library Welcome you ! 20