Before an Interview: Getting Ready Section 7.1 Before an Interview: Getting Ready
How to prepare for an interview by rehearsing and conducting research WHAT YOU’LL LEARN How to prepare for an interview by rehearsing and conducting research How to dress appropriately for a job interview
WHY IT’S IMPORTANT Preparing for a job interview will increase your chances of getting the job.
Before an Interview: Getting Ready An interview is a formal meeting between a job seeker and an employer to discuss possible employment.
Know Before You Go Interviews are usually conducted by a manager or a member of a company’s human resources department.
Know Before You Go Your attention to the small details overlooked by other candidates may be the deciding factor that wins you the job.
Know Before You Go Be ready to ask intelligent questions about the company and what’s going on in the industry. Show a willingness to learn and grow.
Know Before You Go Researching a company shows that you’re interested in the company, and that you’re the sort of person who is willing to put in extra effort to make a good impression.
Know Before You Go Researching a company might protect you by revealing that the company is not a good place to work.
Rehearsal Time Practicing for the interview will improve your performance. Try the following: Practice your telephone skills. Interview with a friend. Use a mirror. Use a tape recorder. Prepare answers to typical questions.
Dress for Success The first thing an employer sees when you walk through the door is your clothes. Dress a little more formally than you would for an actual day on the job.
Dress for Success When in doubt, dress conservatively. Be neat, clean, and well groomed, with shined shoes and no fancy jewelry.
From Door to Door Arrive at the interview alone and a few minutes early. Bring a pen, a notepad, and two copies of your résumé.
From Door to Door Arrive prepared with your Social Security number. Bring phone numbers and addresses for all your references.
Interview Success Research Rehearse Dress Get There Graphic Organizer 7.1 Interview Success Research Learn about the company. Prepare questions to ask. Rehearse Practice. Prepare answers to tough questions. Dress Be well groomed. Dress conservatively. Get There Arrive on time or a little early. Arrive alone. Chapter 7 • Interviewing Succeeding in the World of Work
Before an Interview: Getting Ready End of Section 7.1 Before an Interview: Getting Ready