Fmp – Street photography Becca WHite
General idea The first idea that I had was to do just basic street photography, just because when we went to London for the Media and Photography trip. I took quite a few photographs around London and I really enjoyed it. I was just got take random pictures of the streets in really big cities but then we had a idea generation lesson which made me want to change my idea to make it more wow. We watched a video on a photographer that specialized in candid photography (something that I had never heard of) and I was planning on taking a risk and the confidence to try and have a go in and around Rotherham just to get a taste of it and see if I actually liked it.
Final Idea Once doing a little more research, I really enjoyed looking at photographers that specialized in the are of photography which was the underground. The only problem with this is to getting down there and back. I do have relatives that live down there but I don’t know them personally. Therefore, if this idea doesn’t turn out, I could always focus on other train stations like Sheffield or Leeds somewhere that’s closer.
Production Plan Week One – This week would be to focus on my blog post and getting my overall idea together and completing task one with all my research. Week Two- For this week I am hoping to start task two and start going to train stations and taking some test shots. Week Three – I’m hoping for this week, I will be able allowed to go down to London for a weekend or a couple days to a photo shoot of the underground as well as keeping up to date with my blog. Week Four – If everything goes to plan I’m hoping by this week I will have edited and have some final photographs ready to present as well as blogging my progress.
Research – Dougie Wallace Wallace is a candid photographer, candid means picture captured without creating a posed appearance. He originates from Glasgow but has lived in England for most of his life. He currently lives in East London but before this he lived in Blackpool, this is where he started off his career in candid photography. He would usually go out on Fridays and Saturday nights, where he would take photographs of hen dos and stag dos. I like how he shoots his photographs as some times he does it very secretively and gets great photographs, or sometimes he just puts the camera in a strangers face whilst talking to them to make it look realistic.
Aaron Yeoman Yeoman found his love for photography when he took a trip to New York in 2009, his photographs didn’t turn out as well as he wanted them to, so he brought his first ever DSLR and then he just went from there. Yeoman’s work is very urban as is very unusual to most photographers I’ve already looked at, which makes me want to use him as part of my inspiration for FMP.
Test shoots - candid
Test shoots – Candid from a distance
Test shoot - Street
How am I going to present my work? To go along with the underground theme, I was planning on making it look like the underground sign with all my final pictures, as this will make it look interesting from a distance as well as it being close up.