Neil Postman, Michel Foucault & Paul Lazarsfeld
Michel Foucault “Things themselves become so burdened with attributes, signs, allusions that they finally lose their own form. Meaning is no longer read in an immediate perception.”
“So many diverse meanings are established beneath the surface of the image”
Power If you have knowledge/power you control the “truth”, which in actually is a “regime of truth” Media plays a key role in disseminating truth
Or…as Steven Colbert called it…
So, if you control the discourse (media) you control the power.
However… We have the power to resist. Foucault argues that any powerful discourse can be undermined by another more-powerful discourse. Are we more powerful than the mass media?
Neil Postman Amusing Ourselves to Death (1985) He criticized the television industry for confounding serious issues with entertainment, demeaning politics by making it less about ideologies and more about image.
In watering down news to entertainment we, as a society, cease to care about the real important issues that alter our day to day existence. By keeping the people uninformed, the masses do not notice that they are losing their freedom.
Paul Lazarsfeld Sociologist put in charge of The Radio Project to look into the effects of mass media on society Little Annie Project (CBS)
The Two Step Flow of Communication communication from the mass media first reaches "opinion leaders" They filter the information to their associates