Distribution The practice and means through which certain movies are sent to and placed in theatres, video stores, and television and cable networks.
Target audiences Viewers who producers feel are most likely to want to see a particular film.
Marketing Identifying an audience in order to bring a film to the attention of viewers so they will come to watch the film.
Promotion Specific ways a movie can make an object that an audience will want to see.
Advertises a movie as the vehicle of one or more well-known actors. Star System Advertises a movie as the vehicle of one or more well-known actors.
Ancillary products such as tee shirts, CD soundtracks, and toys Tie-ins Ancillary products such as tee shirts, CD soundtracks, and toys
Advertising Central form of promotion that uses television, billboards, film trailers, or previews, print ads, and other forms of display to bring a film to the attention of a potential audience.
Theatrical trailer Previews a few scenes from a film in theatres before the main feature film or television commercial. Cast Away Trailer
Rating systems Provide viewers with guidelines for movies. (MPAA rating system: G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17) Short and from 2:47 to end.
Product Placement A practice in which manufacturers of goods or providers of a service gain exposure for their products by paying for them to be featured in movies and television Short programs.