OKC Metro Officials Association HUDL Committee August 2013 HUDL Training V.2 OKC Metro Officials Association HUDL Committee August 2013
HUDL “Welcome” Email If you (and everyone on your crew) have paid, you will get this email NOTICE. Login. Establish your account
Login Screen Password Requirements: At least 6 characters One number or special character
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Account Profile
Account Profile
Match Team / Association Name We suggest each of us: Put the HUDL Name on the Game card, and Give the “extra” Game card to the “IT guy…”
Sharing With Your Crew
Sharing With Your Crew
HUDL Contacts / Questions Chris Mallow Admin@OKCMetroofficials.com Tom Wright Tom.w.wright@att.net Troy Hoobler Troy.hoobler@yahoo.com HUDL Support and more information: http://public.hudl.com/support/
HUDL Questions / Comments Internal to us. Remove Later HUDL Functioning: I need to play some more, and learn how… How do I “clip” plays? How can I send one or two plays to someone? Like I want to send a play to Troy and/or D Gore to look at… I have a strange penalty thing or example – Helmet hit… Is it a “copy/save as…” process? Admin Questions: Chris M: Troy and I need to see the Admin screens and how to save, distribute. We need to figure out “who distributes what?” Identify and add accounts to those not given one. Get a list of HUDL payers from Mike/Roger What else do we need to do?