Design (3): quasi-experimental and non-experimental designs Learning outcomes State characteristics of quasi-experimental design State and define different types of quasi-experimental design and their analysis State characteristics of non-experimental design State and define different types of non-experimental design and their analysis
Outline Quasi-experimental designs Non-experimental designs The meaning of treatment Some elementary quasi-experimental designs Non-experimental designs Predictive versus explanatory research Categorical IVs Continuous IVs Categorical and continuous IVs Longitudinal research
Experiment Defining characteristics: Establish cause-effect relationship between IV(s) and DV as stated in experimental hypothesis Manipulation of IV(s) Random assignment of participants to levels (categories) of the IV(s) If no random assignment then quasi-experiment If neither manipulation nor random assignment then non-experiment
Quasi-experimental designs Quasi-experiment: as an experiment, except that participants are not randomly assigned to groups Difficulties: How to identify and separate the effects of treatments from the effects of all other factors affecting the DV? Possible selection-treatment interaction: the groups may differ on a range of variables that may affect the effect of treatment on the DV Meaning of treatment: what is it about the treatment that presumably caused group difference on the DV? Greater clarity is possible when researcher is involved in design and administration of treatment Poor examples of ‘treatment’, involving ‘global settings’ as treatment: compensatory education programmes (e.g. Head Start), institutions (public versus state schools) Non-experimental design: no treatment administered
Two quasi-experimental designs Non-equivalent control group Interrupted time series
Non-equivalent control group Difference with ‘Treatment-control. Pre-measures and post-measures’ design: no randomization possible selection bias other threats to internal validity even more likely, e.g. maturation Design without a pre-test is preferable (as in experimental designs) The further apart treatment and control group on pre-test, the more likely are effects of selection and Interaction of selection with other factors
Non-equivalent control group (2) Analysis: No single preferred analysis Some recommend multiple analyses Others stress importance of correct model specification as a basis for analysis, i.e. correct identification of IV(s) and extraneous variable(s), and relationships among them and with the DV Two main approaches to analysis Regression adjustment Difference scores
Regression adjustment Adjust post-test score for initial differences between NE groups on pre-test based on regression analysis Mathematically equivalent to analysis of co-variance However, threats to validity Measurement issue: factor structures in the two comparison groups may not be equal and may change over time pre-test and post-test should measure the same construct in both groups, and pre-test and post-test should measure the same construct Regression artefacts The further the two groups apart on the pre-test the greater the threat of regression towards the mean
Analysis of difference scores Procedure Per participant subtract pre-test score from post-test score – ‘raw-score’ difference Calculate mean difference for both groups Test difference between mean of difference for significance, e.g. using t test Difference scores = specific case of regression adjustment Same threats as those associated with RA Additional threats follow
Analysis of difference scores - threats Difficulties in interpretation and analysis Participants in experimental and control groups may ‘grow’ at different rates. The larger the difference on the pre-test the more difficult to interpret the results. Sensitivity and difficulty level of pre-test When ceiling and/or floor effects occur on pre-test or post-test difference scores are not meaningful ‘Correlation with initial status’ Would expect a positive (imperfect) correlation between pre-test and post-test However, with equal SD of pre-test and post-test, correlation will be negative those scoring high on the pre-test tend to have smaller gain scores (or even decreasing scores) and those scoring low on pre-test tend to have larger gain scores
Interrupted time series (1) Aims of collecting times-series data Develop models to explain patterns that occur over time Use models for forecasting Interrupted time series Series interrupted by some discrete event or intervention Purpose: assess the effect of intervention; in what way has the intervention changed the time-series data? Costly Attrition rates can be high
Interrupted time series (2) Simple interrupted time series Major threat: history Interrupted time series with non-equivalent control group Attempts to control for history and other threats to internal validity Degree to which threats to internal validity are controlled depends on comparability of the two NE groups Analysis: time series modelling/analysis
Summary – quasi-experimental designs In quasi-experimental designs participants are not randomly assigned to groups Difficult to identify and separate the effects of treatments from the effects of all other factors affecting the DV Possible selection-treatment interaction Two elementary quasi-experimental designs: Non-equivalent control group Interrupted time series
Predictive versus explanatory research Predictive research Aim: develop systems to predict criteria Predictor(s) and criterion Choice of predictor set does not require theory Predictors selected until best sub-set is found Explanatory research Aim: test hypotheses to explain phenomena of interest Independent variable's) – IV(s) (presumed cause) and dependent variable – DV (presumed effect) Choice of predictor set based on theory In the context of non-experimental designs, we will only consider explanatory research
Formulation and testing of models Direction of inference: From IVs (cause) to DVs (effect) in (quasi)-experimental research From DVs to IVs in non-experimental research; chance of confusing IV and DV is far greater in non-experimental research In (quasi)-experimental research, groups are compared that are exposed to different treatments In non-experimental research groups are very frequently formed on the basis of the DV and differences among groups are attributed to some cause Researcher tries to find out what variable explains observed differences However, groups that are compared may not have been exposed to different treatments
Threats to internal validity in non-experimental designs Use of non-probability samples: Failure to use probability samples (random selection of participants from population and each has a non-zero probability of being selected) This is not a threat to internal validity in experimental designs Uncontrolled confounding variables Control by Subject selection (see above) Statistical adjustment (same problems as with quasi-experimental design) Exercise of controls in non-experimental research may have adverse effects by distorting relations among variables Some elementary non-experimental designs follow
Categorical IV IV: one or more broad classifications of people are used to explain the status of participants on some phenomenon of interest (presumed DV) Probability sampling is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for valid inferences Each grouping or class is treated as a separate population for comparison Difficulty in offering IV as an explanation for observed differences on DV – ‘pseudo explanations’: ‘a sex difference is a question, not an answer’ (Baumeister)
Categorical IV (2) One IV Analysis: unrelated t test or one-way independent measures analysis of variance Multiple IVs: similarity with factorial designs in experimental research is only superficial Influential extraneous variables may have been overlooked The IVs are (usually) not independent of each other, as they are in experimental research
One continuous IV Omission of relevant variables correlated with IV is a specification error and results in biased estimates of the effects of the IV This is unavoidable in non-experimental research; minimize this shortcoming BY including major relevant variables in the design Therefore non-experimental designs with one IV are almost certainly flawed Analysis: simple regression analysis
Multiple continuous IVs Correct model specification depends on theory of the phenomenon under investigation regarding the nature of the relations among the IVs
Multiple continuous IVs (2) Single-stage models DV affected by a set of intercorrelated IVs Exogenous variable: variability assumed to be determined by causes outside the model Endogenous variable: variability explained by exogeneous variables and possibly other endogenous variables Analysis: (standard) multiple regression analysis SES MA MOT AA error
Multiple continuous IVs (3) Multi-stage models One or more exogenous variables and two or more endogenous variables Stages: the number of endogenous variables Analysis: path analysis; also hierarchical multiple regression analysis SES MA MOT AA error SES MA MOT AA error
Categorical and continuous IVs E.g. IVs: years of experience and gender; DV: salary Years of experience as a control variable, investigating the effect of gender after adjusting for years of experience OR Years of experience as a moderator of gender, investigating an attribute-treatment interaction Analysis technique: analysis of co-variance, but interpretation different from that in experimental and non-experimental designs
Longitudinal research Longitudinal: study a phenomenon repeatedly as it exists and evolves over time Cross-sectional: measurement at a single moment in time Disadvantages of longitudinal research: Costly Attrition Effects of repeated measurement (testing) The meaning of measures may change across time Changes in personnel History Information diffusion Cannot provide answers to pressing questions Interest in research question and theoretical framework may have changed by the time an answer becomes available
Preparation for next practical class Study key experimental research designs Reading: Pedhazur: Ch. 13, 14 Clark-Carter: Ch. 1 Lecture notes
Summary – non-experimental designs Participants are not randomly assigned to groups (a) difficult to identify and separate the effects of treatments from the effects of all other factors and (b) possible selection-treatment interaction (as in QE designs) No treatment is administered difficult to identify and isolate the effect of IV(s) Threats to internal validity include Use of non-probability samples Uncontrolled confounding variables One or more categorical or continuous IVs or a combination of categorical and continuous IVs can be used