Agenda – April 12, 2017 Welcome and Check-in Why Are You Here Today 3:45 -3:55 p.m. Reflection Responses 3:55 –4:20 pm Welcome and Check-in Michele Hancock Sandie Bisciglia Where Do We Go From Here? Greetings/Welcome Dialogue 4:20- 4:55 p.m. Why Are You Here Today RESULT: Recommendations on format and dissemination of EI survey Participants:: Review Equity and Inclusion results and make suggestions on format and dissemination of results Equity and Inclusion Survey Results Wayne Thompson/Canyon What is the most visually appealing format? What is the most effective way to disseminate? What is our timeline? Meeting Framework Overview Survey Results Discussion (Handouts) Timeline for dissemination 4:55-5:15 p.m. RESULT: Information Shared Participants: Review proposal and make recommendations Bias Incident Reporting Team (BIRT) Proposal Sandra Bisciglia Thomas Dickens Miriam Montes Presentation Framework Overview 5:15 p.m. - May Agenda