Enrollment Counts for Teachers


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Presentation transcript:

Enrollment Counts for Teachers Enrollment counts are snapshots of student enrollment and demographic information taken the first three weeks of school. Enrollments counts are extremely important and are required for apportionment, allocations, AYP, and determining growth. The Nevada Department of Education will audit a certain percentage of WCSD schools each year to ensure the reported enrollment numbers are accurate. If each of us does our part we will not lose apportionment for reporting students incorrectly.

Many staff members have key duties for enrollment counts Many staff members have key duties for enrollment counts. On the link below tasks are separated by suggested key personnel. The Principal may assign tasks differently.  NOTE: All of the requirements must be completed throughout the school year, not just for the enrollment counts. This is extremely important because the NDE is now conducting two audits, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. To find all the enclosed information on-line, go to: http://www.washoeschools.net/Page/3993 Or use the path: District Homepage>Departments>Student Accounting> Enrollment Counts (in the right margin).

Enrollment Count Dates   ENROLLMENT COUNT DATES All schools must email the completed worksheet to StudentAccounting@washoeschools.net no later than 12 p.m. with the exception of schools with PM PK, and TMCC HS. Email the worksheet as soon as it is completed. Enrollment Count Dates Balanced Calendar, TMCC HS, and Multi-Track Calendars- Yellow, Blue and Purple Tracks Incline Schools and Revitalization Calendar Schools Multi-Track Calendar- Green Track Enrollment Count 1 Friday, August 11, 2017 Friday, August 25, 2017 Friday, September 8, 2017 Enrollment Count 2 Thursday, August 17, 2017 Friday, September 1, 2017 Friday, September 15, 2017 Enrollment Count 3               Friday , August 25, 2017 If not balanced by Enrollment Count 2. Enrollment Count 3 If not balanced by Enrollment Count 2. Enrollment Count 3 Friday, September 22, 2017 Student Accounting Enrollment Count Tuesday, September 5, 2017  

Teacher Tasks Take attendance daily during the first fifteen minutes of class.  If there is a change after taking attendance then IC must be changed to reflect the attendance event. Take attendance accurately. Verify the Attendance Summary Reports weekly. Teacher will sign the weekly Verification Log indicating the accuracy of the ASRs. If corrections are needed, teachers will communicate by email or print the ASR and give the appropriated personnel for correction in IC. Please read the Attendance Summary Report webpage for further instruction. Verify Sub Attendance Rosters (SARs) for each count and return to office during the first four weeks of school. Remember to cross out the name of any student who has not attended and add any student who has attended who is not on the roster.  Mark students absent who have attended your class at least once and have not transferred to another class.

Teacher Instructions for Enrollment Counts Using the Sub Attendance Roster for each Enrollment Count: For enrollment counts 1 and 2 please draw a line through the names of the students who have NOT attended class and are listed on roster. Administration should investigate these students so they should not appear on the rosters for counts 3 and 4. It is important to continue to mark these students absent in IC if they keep appearing on the roster. Mark the students who have attended, but are not there for the count, as absent in IC and write “Absent” next to the student’s name in the Comments column on the roster Write in the names of the students who are in attendance and who are not on your roster on the bottom of the sheet. Total the number of students present. Put the number of students present (these are the students who are in attendance) on the top right of the sub attendance report, designating them with a P. Example P=35 would indicate that you have 35 present students.

Teacher Instructions for Enrollment Counts-Continued Total the number of students absent. These are students who are not in attendance for the enrollment count, but have attended at least once prior to count. Put the number of students absent on the top right of the roster, designating them with an A. Example A=4 would indicate that you have 4 students who have attended once and have not withdrawn, but are absent today. COUNT ANYONE THAT HAS NOT ATTENDED YOUR CLASS AT LEAST ONCE AS NA. Example, NA= 1 would indicate that you have one student that has never attended. Total up all Ps, As, and NAs. Designate the total with a T. Example T=9 would indicate that you had a total of nine students on the roster when adding Ps, As, and NAs. Do not count any WITHDRAWN students.

Attendance Summary Reports Each teacher must have an ASR for each class (with the exception of Off Campus), including both AM and PM Attendance for elementary schools. Each week (starting with the third week of school) teachers must review the ASRs for the previous week and go to the office to sign the ASR Verification Log. Any corrections made to the ASRs must be given to the appropriate office staff. It is mandatory that the ASRs are saved weekly for the entire school year. It is also mandatory that the ASRs are saved in the schools SharePoint drive. The ASRs are part of the Class Record Book and must be retained and available for 2 years. For detailed instructions please go to the Attendance Summary Report Instructions page on the Student Accounting Website. https://www.washoeschools.net/Page/3376

Thank you Please contact your Student Accounting trouble shooter with questions: Elementary Schools: Cecilia Mansfield (775) 348-0306 Middle Schools: Shannon Yoelin (775) 348-0282 High Schools: Jeannine Bell (775) 348-0305