Rally for the Rescues - TN From Unwanted….To Treasured
From Unwanted….To Treasured Being a trainer myself and a proud owner of several awesome rescue horses, this contest was developed to help up and coming trainers gain some publicity but most importantly give a bunch of horses a chance at a good life. ~Hilda Keller Rally for the Rescues main focus and goal is the HORSE. We want to show the public how talented and versatile rescue horses can be and produce horses who are ready to work for their adopters. It will also give support to the TN rescues that provide the rescue horses. It’s a win-win for the horses and the rescue organizations that advocate for the welfare of our state’s equines.
Location & Venue From Unwanted….To Treasured Easily accessible Accommodations Camping areas Motels Restrooms Food/Drink Challenge/Clinic Areas Indoor Arena Outdoor Arena Round Pen Equine Housing Photo by Pamela Parton Photography
Duration From Unwanted….To Treasured Training period – approx. 120 days Challenge Day and Event – 2 days Sponsor Exclusive Event Trainers Challenge Educational Clinics Trainers Clinics Concert Available for Adoption Showcase (new for 2017)
Target Audience From Unwanted….To Treasured Goal is to show that rescue horses are as good as other horses General Public Educate on how rescues work Gain support for rescues of state Potential Adopters Get these horses a loving home Potential fosters for rescues Other Trainers
Selection Process From Unwanted….To Treasured Trainers ~ Application and references ~ Approved foster by rescues ~ Natural horsemanship Horses ~ Halter broke only ~ Easy to catch ~ Will load ~ 2 YO and Under – Youth ~ 3 YO and Older – Adult Horses and trainers matchup are randomly drawn Photo by Pamela Parton Photography
Media/Promoting From Unwanted….To Treasured Website Facebook Ads at horse events Tabling at horse shows Press Releases Personal relationships Media Coverage Newspaper Radio
$$ Securing Sponsorships & Support From Unwanted….To Treasured Event Sponsorship Personal/Business Relationships Mailings to equine related organizations Levels from $5,000 to $50 Dollars or In-Kind Horse Sponsorship Support specific participating horse Go to respective rescue of each horse Weekly chart – keeping it competitive $$
Securing Sponsorships & Support (cont’d) From Unwanted….To Treasured Securing Sponsorships & Support (cont’d) Adopters “Take Home Care Bucket” Donated products Rescue Support Horse Sponsorship Donated Products Equally split event proceeds
Judging & Awards From Unwanted….To Treasured Each horse/trainer team competed and was judged in 4 classes: Appearance and Fitness Horsemanship (Showmanship if in-hand) Arena style trail obstacles Freestyle Awards Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place overall scores Sportsmanship Award Belt buckle and long sleeve western shirt
Adoption Terms From Unwanted….To Treasured Rescues responsible for adoption application and approval process of their participating horses Adoption Fee Set at $750.00 Photo by Pamela Parton Photography
PROUDLY PRESENTED by Ferrell Hollow Farm Senior Horse Sanctuary From Unwanted….To Treasured SUCCESSFUL Inaugural Event June 17-19th PROUDLY PRESENTED by Ferrell Hollow Farm Senior Horse Sanctuary 10 Natural Horsemanship Trainers 12 Tennessee Rescue Horses 10 horses adopted 10 sponsors – 2 ~ $5,000 Founder’s Circle Sponsors Event Proceeds of $8,700 to help support Four (4) Tennessee Equine Rescue Organizations Website: www.rallyfortherescuestn.com Contact: Hilda Keller or Dawn Roberts at rallyfortherescuestn@yahoo.com