Comparing & Ordering Larger Numbers
How to compare numbers 1 2 3 Line up the numbers Compare at highest place value If numbers are the same go to next digit to the right 12,391 8,971 13,762 12,391 8,971 13,762 12,391 8,971 13,762
Remember! The hungry alligator always eats the largest number.
Key Signs to Remember Greater than < Less than > Equal to =
Let’s Look at Sports…
Who had more RBIs? Reggie Jackson Willie Mays 1 9 3 1 7 2 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 9 3 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 7 2 Start with the thousands place value… 1,000 ____1,000
Since 700 is ____900, who had more RBIs? Reggie Jackson Willie Mays Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 9 3 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 7 2 Move to the hundreds place value… 700 ____900 Since 700 is ____900, who had more RBIs?
Who had more RBIs? Alex Rodriquez Vladimir Guerrero 1 4 8 2 1 6 2 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 4 8 2 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 6 2 Start with the thousands place value… 1,000 ____1,000
Who had more RBIs? Alex Rodriquez Vladimir Guerrero 1 4 8 2 1 6 2 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 4 8 2 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 6 2 Move to the hundreds place value… 400 ____100
Who had more RBIs? Joe DiMaggio Jeff Bagwell 1 5 2 9 1 5 3 7 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 5 2 9 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 5 3 7 Start with the thousands place value… 1,000 ____1,000
Who had more RBIs? Joe DiMaggio Jeff Bagwell 1 5 2 9 1 5 3 7 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 5 2 9 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 5 3 7 Move to the hundreds place value… 500 ____500 Now what?
Who had more RBIs? Joe DiMaggio Jeff Bagwell 1 5 2 9 1 5 3 7 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 5 2 9 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 5 3 7 Move to the tens place value… 30 ____20 Who had more?
Who had more career hits? Barry Bonds Roberto Clemente Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 3 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 2 9 3 1 You tell me, how do we figure this out?
Who had more career strikeouts? Roger Clemens Randy Johnson Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 4 6 1 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 4 6 8 You tell me, how do we figure this out?
Batter Up! On your paper, copy each problem and write the correct symbol.
Write < > or = 53,931 54,931
Write < > or = 53,931 4,931
Write < > or = 183,359 94,931
Write < > or = 89,359 194,931
Write < > or = 1,077,000 107,900
Write < > or = 50,000 Five thousand
Write < > or = 306 3 hundreds 6 tens
Write < > or = 1,000+700+3 1,730
NOW LET’S TRY TO HIT A HOME RUN! Complete Practice Sheet 2.1 ON YOUR OWN… (write your homework in your agenda too!!!)
Part 2: Ordering numbers
If you know how to compare numbers, you know how to put them in order!
Average Fan Attendance Angels Red Sox Yankees Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 4 1 7 3 Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 3 6 8 2 Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 5 2 6 4 1 Start with the ten-thousands place value…
Average Fan Attendance Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 5 2 6 4 1 Yankees Angels Red Sox Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 4 1 7 3 Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 3 6 8 2
You try … 3 4 6 5 4 7 2 4 7 Padres Dodgers Mets Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 3 4 6 5 Padres Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 4 7 2 Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 4 7 Dodgers Mets
Put these numbers in order from greatest to least 1,730 14 569 9,271
Put these numbers in order from greatest to least 35,872 36,872 569 9
Put these numbers in order from least to greatest 145,872 6,872 569 91
Put these numbers in order from least to greatest 5,872 5,832 5,991 910
Complete Practice Sheet 2.2 ON YOUR OWN! BATTER UP! Complete Practice Sheet 2.2 ON YOUR OWN!