Place Value Relationships Lesson 3-2 CCSS 3.NBT.1, 3.NBT.2 Literature Link: Earth Day Hooray by Stuart Murphy
MATH Essential Questions What kind of experiences help develop number sense? MATH Essential Questions
MATH Essential Questions How do digit values change as they are moved around in large numbers? MATH Essential Questions
MATH Essential Questions What determines the value of a digit? MATH Essential Questions
Warm Up Solve: 8 + 9 8 + 4 6 + 7 4 + 4
Think and Write Why do you think it is important to know what each digit in a number is worth?
Today we will be using dotty arrays. How do you think they will be used?
Make this two digit number: (37) using the dotty array pieces. Let’s take ten students and imagine that their dotty array pieces are really 37 marbles. Put the sets of 37 into a central space in the room. How many dots is that altogether? How do you know?
Using a Place Value Chart Ten Thousands Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 3 7 Using a place value chart, show 37 and then 10 x 37. What do you think 100 x 37 would look like? What do you think 1,000 x 37 would look like?
Place Value – Use Your Place Value Charts Each digit in a number has value. Let’s look at the number 41,925 – Can you write these numbers on your chart? What place is the 9 in? How much is the 9 worth? What place is the 4 in? How much is the 4 worth? What place is the 1 in? How much is the 1 worth?
Number Relationships – Use Your Place Value Chart In the number 880, what is the relationship between the value of the first 8 and the value of the second 8? To solve, think about what each 8 is worth. Then think about the difference. The first 8 is ten times greater than the second 8. That’s because the hundreds place is 10 times greater than the tens place.
Practice with Number Relationships What is the relationship between the value of the 5s in 5,500? What is the relationship between the value of the 1s in 11,000? What is the relationship between the value of the 2s in 220,000?
Number Values Look at the number 7,384. What is the value of the 8?
Number Values Look at the number 567,802. What is the value of the 7?
Number Values The number 7,733 contains two sets of digits that are ten times as great as the other. Find the values of the digits in the sets.
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