ICOTS Offender Violation Report: Removal of Violent Offender -Significant Violation Addendum Uses February 2014
Training Summary OVR Transition – Removal of Violent Offender Significant Violation Overview of the OVR elements Addendum to Offender Violation Report Addendum to Offender Violation Report Response Scenario Discussion
Enhancement Schedule Amendment related enhancements – February 26th Time frame ( <30 = business; 30+ = calendar) Rule 3.101-1 New reason for transfer/reporting instructions (Veteran’s) Rule 3.107 New attachment for institutional information Rule 4.112 Additional Email Notifications CCN Rule 5.102 Removal of Violent Offender from OVR Go live into prod on Feb 26, PREP approx 2 weeks prior to Other changes subtle : time frame changes, additional email notifications.
OVR Transition Rule remains effective through Feb 28th Spreadsheet from National Office Feb 26th List of all OVRs-Violent Offender Sign Violation (May 23rd – February 25th) Account for 8% of violations Violation Type – Violent Offender Significant Violation no longer visible in ICOTS To retain PDF’s, print prior to Feb 26th States could send an OVR enacting mandatory retake for 1 sign violation until Feb 28 From an ICOTS management standpoint, processing Violent Offender is going to require a little extra effort during transition though Spreadsheet provided with list of all reported violent offender –sig violation OVRs after enhancement is launched If your state plans to retain PDF’s, the National Office can get a list prior to enhancement
Violation Type
Offender Violation Report OVR captures Data/Narrative/Type of Violation committed by Offender in the Receiving State Recommendation of Receiving State Availability Status of Offender Location of the Offender Probable Cause Status Update using Addendum Violation information and recommendation are locked in upon submission of Violation Report Addendums are used to update availability status, location and PC information
Withdraw vs Addendum Withdraw OVR & Re-Submit: Use Addendum: To Change Violation Type Correct Data OVR sent in Error/Inappropriate Use Addendum: Change Custody/Availability Status Update PC Hearing Conducted/Waived Provide Additional Information not Available at the Time Original OVR Sent Addendum Receiving State can Withdraw OVR up until SS transmits a response. DO not report new violations on Addendum. Availability status…states should pay attention. Seeing a lot of users indicating an offender is available, when they aren’t due to pending charges. Addendum could be an easy way to fix, but if you send out an inaccurate OVR, sending state could require withdraw and resubmission.
Addendum to OVR
Addendum to OVR Response
Addendum Usage Use Addendum for Violation correspondence Tools Available Quick Tips ICAOS Newsletter Email signature Email users with recently submitted OVRs Still see users still using CARs for violation correspondence. ICOTS screens do give reminders but additional tools available Quick tip in knowledgebase. A few states are emailing users monthly with recently submitted OVRs reminding about the Addendums Email national office for assistance with reports to identify users and form emails.
ICOTS Knowledgebase FAQs Articles posted regarding violation reports. These new FAQs describe workflow and criteria for emails generated and reports to assist in retaking process.
Conviction Scenario OVR sent on 2/1/2014 notifies Sending State of new felony charges deemed a significant violation in the receiving state (revocable at arrest stage) Not a mandatory Retake; SS responds to notify of disposition of new charges Offender convicted on the felony charges on 3/15/2014 Send new OVR or use Addendum?? Remember not all states will report an arrest as a significant violation. Most require the conviction to take place before submitting the violation report and asking the sending state to retake.
Send NEW OVR Merges Data from report of charges Also works if misd arrest was reported as sig violation Becomes ONE violation report under violation history.
Training & Help ICAOS Website ICOTS LIVE Knowledge Base www.interstatecompact.org ICOTS LIVE Sign up with a ICAOS website user account Knowledge Base FAQ How-to’s Code Release Information: will be detailed and include information regarding the benefits and new processes the OVR will capture. This newsletter is sent to registered website users. We will also provide announcements/notices on the website, the knowledgebase which will include short demos regarding the new available features. Training Updates Short Tutorials Quick Tips