5.5 Add & Subtract Mixed Number Fractions I can add and subtract mixed number fractions.
Add & Subtract Mixed Number Fractions Multiply the denominators if needed to get a common denominator. Cross Multiply to get new numerators (if needed). Add or subtract the fractions, add or subtract the whole numbers. Write your answer in lowest terms.
Example 1. Evaluate each expression.
Example 1. Evaluate each expression.
Try It! Write the name of each decimal place indicated.
Try It! Write the name of each decimal place indicated.
Example 2. At the neighborhood block party, Roger and Kelli served 7 4/5 gallons of hot chocolate and 5 2/5 gallons of apple cider. How much more hot chocolate than apple cider did Roger and Kelli serve?
Try It! Write the name of each decimal place indicated.
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