Teacher: Mr Nicholson Teaching Assistant: Mrs Beckingham Welcome to Oak Class! Teacher: Mr Nicholson Teaching Assistant: Mrs Beckingham
My philosophy Happy child= A child ready to learn. In the morning we have a range of fun activities that the children can partake in. These help the children get ready for the day. Safe place= A child not afraid to make mistakes, we celebrate mistakes in Year 5! Showing how we can learn from them and improve our understanding.
Essentials Spellings Times tables Out of Lesson Learning Reading Year 5 should be a mixture of support and independence. Please support your child when they need help but if they are capable of getting on independently then encourage them to do so. In regards to Out of Lesson Learning if they are stuck and really do not understand the concept then tell them to come and speak to me. Their OLL should help me to assess how much they have understood. We will then spend time together going over the concept.
Important information P.E- Thursday and Friday. Kit to be labelled. OLL- to go home every Monday and bring in the following Monday. Monday 7th November- Parents Evening Wednesday 9th November- Parents Evening Monday 5th December- OLL project is due. Thursday 8th December- OLL exhibition. Class Assembly to be advised but will be a Thursday.
Topics Autumn: Space Spring: Vikings Summer: Tudors This year each topic will be made as cross curricular as possible. Each topic will be based around a text.
S.P.A.G Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar is taught more explicitly in Year 5. Please encourage your children to practise their spellings and encourage them to check their learning for punctuation and grammatical errors.
Independent and Inquisitive Caring Citizens Happy Achievers. R.E.A.C.H Respectful Life Long Learners Independent and Inquisitive Caring Citizens Happy Achievers. Our REACH philosophy underpins all that we do at Blackwell and I hope that you will help enforce these important values outside of school.