Local Offer Website Walkthrough
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A Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families information about what support services the local authority think will be available in their local area. The SEND Surrey Local Offer website provides a window to the SEND system and the support services that are available within Surrey and also a mechanism for feeding back in order to improve the systems and range of services available.
The key principles behind the local offer Signposting rather than detailed information. A menu of choice rather than an endorsement. Multiple ways of finding and accessing the same information. A way to highlight the gaps in provision. A community resource developed in partnership with health, education, social care and parents.
Navigating the Website The place to search for both support services and also general information about SEND in Surrey using the directory. If you are using the website for the first time then this is the place to start. It contains information about how to get the most from your visit. The place to search for only general information about SEND in Surrey using the directory. Services will not be listed. The place to find out what SEND events are happening locally. The community can add their events as well. The place to ask any questions about the local offer, SEND in general or get support with finding what you need. The place to go to be part of existing discussion groups relating to SEND already happening elsewhere on the internet. The place to give the local offer team your feedback about the local offer, the website or the SEND system. Your feedback will help shape the future local offer.
The search bar allows you to put in a key word and search for services and information. You can even search for services close to you by putting in a postcode. This tool will give you access to a range of accessibility tools including a screen reader and ways to change the size and colour of fonts and backgrounds. The ‘my shortlist’ button shows you view all the services and information you have saved whilst using the website. Latest news will appear here and be updated regularly.
The ‘Find it’ page is the main place to search for support services and information. Enter a keyword and/or a postcode to begin your search. If you are looking for health services then use the HNS choices search tool.
The ‘read it’ page allows you to only search for information pages. No services will be listed.
Clicking on these forums will take you away from the SEND local offer website The ‘discuss it’ page gives you links to useful forums where discussions are taking place around certain issues on other websites.
The feedback that is received is published here in a regular report along with what was done as a result of the feedback. The ‘tell it’ page is where you can provide feedback on the local offer in general, the website or the SEND system. You can provide feedback using the feedback form.
…you can even start a live chat with an advisor. The ‘ask it’ page is the place to get help from a team of advisors who are waiting to answer your questions. You can ask for help in many ways…
The ‘I’m a young person’ page is being developed by young people. In the meantime there is a blog showing what is going on for young people currently.
The calendar is managed by the community and so only shows events that have been added by residents as well as people that work in Surrey. The ‘events’ page shows you what is going on in Surrey via a calendar.