Curriculum Night CTA-Liberty 5th grade 2017-2018
2 Academic Blocks Block 1-A.M. : 8:10-11:30 (specials during block 1) Block 2-P.M. : 12:10-2:40 Math, Science, Social Studies Ms. Miller & Miss Racco Language Arts Mrs. Hight & Mrs. Logston Questions should be addressed with your child’s specific subject area teacher.
Reading (ELA) Accelerated Reader Individual point goals per quarter Adjusted as needed Students must read 30 minutes daily at home From an AR book Parents and students are to check AR Home Connect to monitor progress with AR. AR ~ Changes AR goal is personalized to the child AR goal not met will not affect students grades or behavior In lieu of AR grade 2 book reports will be assigned per quarter
Reading (ELA) Literature Studies that may be used (district approved) Hatchet My Brother Sam is Dead Where the Red Fern Grows Elijah of Buxton Freak the Mighty Where the Mountain Meets the Moon (Common Core Required) Journeys Textbook/Spalding Weekly short stories with comprehension/vocabulary tests Practicing and assessing comprehension tests
Reading/Book Reports Each quarter 2 book reports will be assigned Grades will be based on: Books read for the reports at students’ current AR level Genre assigned by the teacher for each report Type of report the student chooses “No report type is to be repeated” The book reports will be considered long time assignments and will be assigned approximately 3 weeks apart
Phonograms (ELA) Phonogram practice will done weekly to promote long-term memorization Weekly 15-25 phonograms orally 20 phonogram quiz weekly Monthly We will assess all 70 phonograms
Oral Presentations (ELA) Quarterly Poetry Recitations 2 per quarter Focus on eye contact, volume, memorization, and fluency All major reports have an oral presentation component as well
Writing (ELA class) How-To and Narratives Historical Reports Expository and Persuasive Compare and Contrast All year long: narrative, informative, informative-narrative, business letters, friendly letters, journal writing, and persuasive essays will be assigned Students will be taught and assessed using the “Six Traits of Writing” and “Write from the Beginning” Thinking Maps
Spelling (ELA Class) Spelling words are taken from the Extended Ayres word list. We are starting in section “T” We input 30 words per week. Please check their spelling notebooks each night. We test a week behind every Thursday. Spelling activities will be assigned on Monday and are due on Friday. Spalding Cursive Handwriting is expected in ALL subject areas.
Grammar (ELA Class) Main sources in teaching grammar: The Writing Road to Reading-Spalding Easy Grammar Other Sources All grammar is reinforced during writing lessons.
Math Glencoe Math (Course 1 6th grade standards) & Common Core Concepts focus on 5th grade standards -Mathematical Practices -Ratios and Proportional Relationships -The Number System -Expressions and Equations -Geometry -Statistics and Probability Cumulative practice and assessment approx. after 5 lessons Math Facts: 100 problems (+, -, x, / ) in 2 ½ minutes –assessed monthly (appear in Infinite Campus, but not factored in overall Math grade) 5th grade standards supplemented daily through warm-ups and other activities. *Students must show work on ALL problems to receive credit*
Science The Scientific Method Science Fair – 2nd & 3rd quarters Matter, Atoms, & Molecules Forces and Motion Earth and Space Science Human Body Systems Skeletal and Nervous Systems Human Growth and Development
Social Studies Geography/Regions Presidents American History (Westward Exploration-Civil War) All year Major reports correspond with writing
Classroom Business Tuesday Binder To be signed and reviewed each Tuesday and returned each Wednesday Students will have homework on Tuesday relating to the binder. Behavior/Homework Chart (Friday section of agendas) NH = No/incomplete homework T = Talking OT = Off task OB = Other behavior infractions TU = Tuesday folder not signed/returned P= Parent signature (missing) 3 marks – student will spend lunch recess completing a behavior log that needs to be signed and returned the next day
Homework Student’s responsibility to check over their work for accuracy - Parents check for completion and accuracy Work MUST be shown on math homework. Homework is NOT given ahead of time Missed homework and assignments can be picked up upon returning Per CTA policy, students have one day per day’s absence to complete and turn in work
Technology Check class websites to stay updated on what’s going on – Checking Infinite Campus to keep track of child’s grades – Register for Infinite Campus: Teacher messenger: all email from is a non-reply address. To reply, please contact the teacher utilizing the teacher’s school email address.
Technology (cont.) BYOT – bring your own technology: Kindles Nooks iPads / tablets NO iPods or cell phones To be used for AR reading & any specific teacher directed activities ONLY Must complete and return CUSD Handbook form Abuse & lose
Robotics Club Applications at the back of the room (please read over thoroughly and return promptly) Students will be required to submit written responses on application. Parets also submit permission form. Parental understanding of the program and involvement in your child’s team is extremely important. Applications are due next Tuesday, Aug. 8th Meetings held on Thursdays from 3:45-4:30 in Miss Racco’s room, (32)
Questions? Please contact your child’s block 1 or block 2 teacher if you have any questions. Thank you. Mrs. Logston – Ms. Miller – Mrs. Hight– Miss Racco –
RUNNING CLUB Running Club information to come shortly.