INTAROS WP 1 Task 1.4 Data management and data governance framework


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Presentation transcript:

INTAROS WP 1 Task 1.4 Data management and data governance framework Torill Hamre, NERSC (task lead) INTAROS Kick-Off Meeting, 12 January 2017, Bergen

Task 1.4 - Data management and data governance framework Lead: NERSC, T. Hamre; Contributors: IOPAN, AWI, GEUS, NORDECO, MISU, FMI, EuroGOOS …and all the other partners providing data in INTAROS This task has 2 main deliverables: Data Management Plan (M6, M54) Data Governance Framework (M36)

Task 1.4 - Data management and data governance framework Data Management Plan (DMP) How INTAROS will comply with international standards on quality & metadata INTAROS will operate a free and open data policy. Define how INTAROS data will be made accessible, Goal: ensure that data and data providers are given maximum visibility, Data and metadata available through the main European and international data infrastructures, including EMODnet, Copernicus, WMO, US SEARCH program, SAON, relevant Arctic DRI programmes, EPOS, ICOS, PEEX and INTERACT. DMP will also recommend methods for a free and open data access policy to be applied in WP5 data flows digital citation of data will be an important component of data policy.

Task 1.4 - Data management and data governance framework to ensure a sustainable data foundation for iAOS. The framework will address the strategy, metadata and data models, standards, policies and procedures, key performance indicators (KPIs) and communication mechanisms for the targeted user and stakeholder communities Needed to provide long term preservation and accessibility of the new data and products generated in the project Based on best practices from ESFRI projects and international pan-Arctic initiatives and observation systems. Key issue: IPR, Free Prior and Informed Consent, respect for knowledge holders, and respectful handling of community-based data (Task 4.1). This task will interact with the key stakeholders in the targeted themes (atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, marine ecosystem, terrestrial, glaciology, natural hazards, and community-based monitoring), inviting related initiatives, projects and infrastructures to give feedback Must be in line with the frameworks of other infrastructures/data centers

Task 1.4 - Data management and data governance framework Deliverables: D1.2 : Data management plan V1 [6] The first version of the data management plan D1.6 : Data governance framework [36] Document describing data governance framework D1.8 : Data Management Plan V2 [54] Revised data management plan

Task 1.4 - Data management and data governance framework The ORD pilot aims to improve and maximise access to and re-use of research data generated by Horizon 2020 projects and takes into account the need to balance openness and protection of scientific information, commercialisation and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), privacy concerns, security as well as data management and preservation questions. EC Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020 F – “making data findable, including provisions for metadata” A – “making data openly accessible” I – “making data interoperable” R – “increase data re-use (through clarifying licenses)” (EC, 2016) ".. takes into account the need to balance openness and protection of scientific information, commercialisation and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), privacy concerns, security ..."

Task 1.4 - Data management and data governance framework Wilkinson et al., 2016. Nature, Scientific Data, DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2016.18

Open Research Data (ORD) Pilot Established by EC to increase sharing and reuse of data collected and processed in H2020 projects In the 2014-2016 Work Programme, only selected themes were part of ORD; from 2017 onwards all call themes will participate The Blue-Growth-09-2016 call included ORD – INTAROS participates! A DMP is required for all projects participating in the Open Research Data (ORD) Pilot. The DMP should be updated during the project, e.g. when new data become available INTAROS participates in the ORD pilot, and hence has to deliver a DMP Costs associated with making data open access, are eligible costs

Data Management Plan (DMP) Describes the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated by a Horizon 2020 project DMP should include information on: the handling of research data during and after the end of the project what data will be collected, processed and/or generated which methodology and standards will be applied whether data will be shared/made open access and how data will be curated and preserved (including after the end of the project)

Data Management Plan (DMP) DMP content: (template in Annex 1 of Guidelines for FAIR Data Management) 1. Data Summary 2. FAIR data 2.1 Making data findable, including provisions for metadata 2.2. Making data openly accessible 2.3. Making data interoperable 2.4. Increase data re-use (through clarifying licences) 3. Allocation of resources 4. Data security 5. Ethical aspects 6. Other issues Also good examples of DMPs from other H2020 projects.

Data Governance Framework Data Management Association (DAMA International). A general model for a data governance framework Data governance: planning , supervision and control over data management and use We will review this (and possibly other FWs) Adapt for our purposes DAMA-DMBOK Functional Framework Version 3.02 (2008)

Next steps KO: identify all partners that will provide data to iAOS KO+2weeks: identify DM staff @ each partner M2(end): Set up mailing list for DM staff; make TOC for DMP; request input from contributors M4: DMP draft 1 w/input from partners; follow up partners M5: DMP updated w/input from remaining partners M6 (week 1): send to Project Management Team for QC M6 (week 2-3): QC and finalization of DMP M6 (week 4): submit to EC … (internal updates as needed) M54: Revised DMP (w governance framework)

Extra slides follow

Workpackage structure WP1: Requirements and strategy for a Pan-Arctic system WP2: Exploitation of existing observing systems WP3: Enhancement of in situ systems WP4: Community-based observing systems Scientific data Scientific data WP5: Data integration & management - IAOS Community data Integrated data, prepared for applications Feedback to requirements, strategy and roadmap WP6: Applications towards stakeholders Feedback to requirements, strategy and roadmap Climate modelling Ice – ocean statistics 7/5/2018 WP7: Dissemination and outreach

Task 1.4 - Data management and data governance framework Lead: NERSC, T. Hamre; Contributors: IOPAN, AWI, GEUS, NORDECO, MISU, FMI, EuroGOOS The INTAROS Data Management Plan (DMP) will provide procedures and methodologies to enable data collected through the project to comply with international standards on quality and metadata, including machine-readable semantic metadata. INTAROS will operate a free and open data policy. The DMP will define how INTAROS data will be made accessible, fully compliant with the INSPIRE directive. The task will also ensure that data and data providers are given maximum visibility, with data and metadata made available through the main European and international data infrastructures, including EMODnet, Copernicus, WMO, US SEARCH program, SAON, relevant Arctic DRI programmes, EPOS, ICOS, PEEX and INTERACT. The DMP will recommend methods for a free and open data access policy according to the specific data domain. These recommendations will be applied also on WP5 data flows. Digital citation of data will be an important component of data policy.

Task 1.4 - Data management and data governance framework The INTAROS will further define a data governance framework to ensure a sustainable data foundation for iAOS. The framework will address the strategy, metadata and data models, standards, policies and procedures, key performance indicators (KPIs) and communication mechanisms for the targeted user and stakeholder communities, that are needed to provide long term preservation and accessibility of the new data and products generated in the project. The iAOS data governance framework will be based on best practices from ESFRI projects and international pan-Arctic initiatives and observation systems. Special attention will be given to addressing principles of intellectual property rights, Free Prior and Informed Consent, respect for knowledge holders, and reciprocity with respect to community-based and citizen science observing, and this will be addressed in collaboration with Task 4.1 of WP4. This task will interact with the key stakeholders in the targeted themes (atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, marine ecosystem, terrestrial, glaciology, natural hazards, and community-based monitoring), inviting among other representatives from AtlantOS, EU Polarnet, and other leading international initiatives and infrastructures (e.g. SeaDataNet, EMODnet) to give feedback on the developed framework ensuring it is in line with the frameworks of other infrastructures/data centers before it is submitted to all partners for approval and subsequently implemented.